OT: Game of Thrones Season five finale? shocker (spoiler alert)

FirstBastionFirstBastion Posts: 7,851
edited June 2015 in The Commons

Shocker of the finale of Game of Thrones: season five. They killed Jon Snow! His Night's Watch brothers. Oh shame. Couple episodes back he survives a duel with a white walker for this? Totally unexpected

I don't think he'll stay dead though. Melisandre of Asshai – The Red Woman very close geographically, (and she's shown a keen interest in him) and there's already establish lore regarding the Lord of Light and resurrection. Still quite the unexpected shock. Besides, he was too honorable to reneg on his vows, and now he'll be able to move on into a new direction storywise.

Post edited by FirstBastion on


  • DaWaterRatDaWaterRat Posts: 2,885
    edited December 1969

    The show ended on the same scene that the book did, so I was bracing myself for it.

    As to whether he will stay dead...I hope not, but Martin doesn't give many characters Plot Armor. A long time ago, I decided that I just wanted my favorite characters to 'Die well."

    The books (and the show) have been much easier since I made that decision. :)

  • Cayman StudiosCayman Studios Posts: 1,136
    edited December 1969

    Everyone seems to want Jon Snow resurrected. I must say, I had him down, along with Khaleesi and Tyrion, to be a sure fire to survive until the end. But if Ned Stark can go, so can everyone else! And is Stannis really dead? And if so why can't the priestess resurrect him?

  • DaWaterRatDaWaterRat Posts: 2,885
    edited December 1969

    Cayman said:
    Everyone seems to want Jon Snow resurrected. I must say, I had him down, along with Khaleesi and Tyrion, to be a sure fire to survive until the end. But if Ned Stark can go, so can everyone else! And is Stannis really dead? And if so why can't the priestess resurrect him?

    I believe Melisandre realizes (decided?) that she'd backed the wrong king as Azor Ahai. There are hints that she was starting to second guess it in the books.

    Her new candidate, of course, is Jon Snow. (again, hints in the books, and in the show to some extent)

    But yeah, Jon may be actually, for reals, not coming back dead.

  • FirstBastionFirstBastion Posts: 7,851
    edited December 1969

    I agree those three, Dany, Jon, and Tyrion are the central core of the entire series. Hence the reason I predict Jon will be back. Now anybody else, fair game.

    Ned Stark death was exactly the first act turning point that sets the whole narrative in motion, up to that point it was all about introducing the characters, setting up the world, and then dropping the cluster bomb with his execution. He was the mentor archtype, and mentors die so the hero will rise.

    Stannis, has been unlikeable since the beginning, and he sealed his fate with the burning of the innocent. If there ever was a more unworthy leader...

    We just need to remember these words that keep getting repeated: "You know nothing, Jon Snow"

    So how long do we have to wait to find out what happens next?

  • DaWaterRatDaWaterRat Posts: 2,885
    edited December 1969

    Season 6's premier ext March/April or when Winds of Winter is published, whichever comes first. :) (I'm favoring Season 6)

  • The Blurst of TimesThe Blurst of Times Posts: 2,410
    edited June 2015

    Stannis was the hero to grammar fans, but the wheels came off the wagon after he took his army to Winterfell. His odd story arc came to an expected end. That's the stupid part of it.

    Ditto to Jon Snow. Book readers knew all of that, but it was very obvious that he had to die. It was more obvious than the Red Wedding that Snow was a Stark boy (Ned's bastard or Lyanna's with Rhaegar), and he'd meet a Stark end. Maybe the red witch will save him, but then we'd know he has to survive to the end of the books. That's rather boring if he were to live.

    I guess the surprise was Myrcella. Jamie's story is the most interesting, IMO. He has grown so much. Can't wait for him to be killed off like other fan favorites!

    Dany is a giant bore in the books, and only slightly less so on the show. More Dothraki aren't going to help her be less annoying of a character. Can they end this Essos crap already? Tyrion and Varys acting clever in the arse end of nowhere important to Westeros. Arya with the nonsense guy and the nonsense people? Blah.

    And we never get to find out where whores go on the TV show. A pity.

    Post edited by The Blurst of Times on
  • Cayman StudiosCayman Studios Posts: 1,136
    edited December 1969

    I've always liked Stannis as a character, and he was the rightful King. Granted, burning his daughter alive was a bit of a faux pas, but he was under the influence of the dastardly priestess Melisandre. Now that the scales have been removed from his eyes he could seek revenge against her, because Brienne decided in the last second not to execute him. :lol:

  • The Blurst of TimesThe Blurst of Times Posts: 2,410
    edited December 1969

    Cayman said:
    I've always liked Stannis as a character, and he was the rightful King. Granted, burning his daughter alive was a bit of a faux pas, but he was under the influence of the dastardly priestess Melisandre. Now that the scales have been removed from his eyes he could seek revenge against her, because Brienne decided in the last second not to execute him. :lol:

    One can only hope she came to her senses about Renly's bro when she saw his manliness. The Brienne-Jamie odd couple was so good, especially compared to dull Pod. A Stannis-Brienne pairing would be great. She might even understand when he says "fewer"!

  • AbbyCloneAbbyClone Posts: 99
    edited December 1969

    If anyone is gonna get a leg over with Brienne its gonna be Pod. Hell, the whores of flea bottom are so enamored with him they don't charge! %-P

    Apart from the battle at Hardhome and Cersi's walk of shame, season 5 has been a disaster. They've deviated so far from the books its just really dumbed down now. The Dorne arc has been the biggest disappointment of all.

  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 14,330
    edited December 1969

    Well damn-it. I didn't get to watch the season yet and now finding out my favorite dies. Not encouraging to watch it. I hope they bring him back

  • The Blurst of TimesThe Blurst of Times Posts: 2,410
    edited December 1969

    barberoy said:

    Apart from the battle at Hardhome and Cersi's walk of shame, season 5 has been a disaster. They've deviated so far from the books its just really dumbed down now. The Dorne arc has been the biggest disappointment of all.

    Dorne was a lot of talking without the Hound to do what he does to talkers. Wasted the fine cast in Dorne on a crap storyline.

    The Danaerys storyline was faithfully boring. The book Dany might have been more boring than HBO Dany, though. Enough with the liberator bull poop. Go back and be a magical dragon princess in Westeros already! The Dothraki at the end was not a plus. It was a huge minus. Get on with it already! Dany needs to put Kings Landing to the torch!

  • Nightshift3DNightshift3D Posts: 273
    edited December 1969

    Normally breaking a vow is the surest way to a horrible death on GoT. Jon Snow was the one person I was convinced would survive the season after he resisted two major temptations to do that this year. I was convinced Ramsey would meet his end for similar reasons. I'm glad this show still manages to surprise me.

    Still, I think they may have painted themselves into a corner. The four most beloved characters from the start were Jon, Ayra, Tyrion and Dany. Now one is dead and the other three are in Essos. There aren't enough sympathetic characters left in Westeros to care much whether the Army Of The Dead scales the wall and runs roughshod all the way to King's Landing.

  • The Blurst of TimesThe Blurst of Times Posts: 2,410
    edited December 1969

    Still, I think they may have painted themselves into a corner. The four most beloved characters from the start were Jon, Ayra, Tyrion and Dany. Now one is dead and the other three are in Essos. There aren't enough sympathetic characters left in Westeros to care much whether the Army Of The Dead scales the wall and runs roughshod all the way to King's Landing.

    What about Hot Pie?! And Gilly! She's not that annoying, is she?

    I think Jaime's story is superb. There are worse stories on the show than Bronn & Jaime. Varys & Tyrion are dreadfully boring, IMO. "Oh, aren't we so clever. The clever eunuch and the little guy who likes whores. Ooh. So clever. We should advise the magic princess! Oooh!"

    And we don't know what MagicBran is going to do next.

    Some folk might hold out hope for Sansa & Reekon to not be dead after jumping off the castle walls. I'd rather they be dead than Stannis the Child-burner. Of course, there's still Littlefinger.

    I still think they're more likely than not to bring back Jon Snow since Melisandre is up there & the whole R'hllor thing about bringing back annoying people from the daed.

    If anyone is gonna get a leg over with Brienne its gonna be Pod. Hell, the whores of flea bottom are so enamored with him they don't charge! %-P

    I just want to watch Brienne and Stannis be grumpy at each other. That would be great. Much greater than watching Alexander Siddig do nothing in Dorne.

  • Eva1Eva1 Posts: 1,249
    edited December 1969

    Season 6's premier ext March/April or when Winds of Winter is published, whichever comes first. :) (I'm favoring Season 6)

    That seems like just too long to wait!:) Guess I'll have to catch up on reading all the previous books till then to keep me going....

  • JonstarkJonstark Posts: 2,738
    edited June 2015

    Jon has to die to free him from his Night's Watch oath, but he will be resurrected. He is the Prince that was Promised. If Jon stays dead, then the whole of his story arc is meaningless and the mystery premise of the series (who is Jon Snow's mother?) is never answered, or even if it is eventually answered, is meaningless. (R + L = J)

    Right now the show is doing their level best to sell this as another final horrifying shocking death, but there's no way narratively Jon stays dead. In the books and in the show there have been tons of hints that he will be resurrected.

    Also, because he is the one major character who isn't seeking power for himself and in fact has taken pains not to seek power for himself, that alone makes him a good candidate to lead. Westeros needs a Cincinnatus/G Washington-type selfless leader, and as far as I can see Jon is the only one close to fitting the bill (certainly he makes a refreshing change since he doesn't believe himself 'entitled' to rule...)

    I find it odd that so many people give Dany a pass. Earlier this season she grabbed up and imprisoned a random group of nobles, and then had one of them burned and eaten alive by a dragon. No evidence, no trial, no good reason at all other than she was angry. That's pretty much the epitome of tyranny. Yet somehow people still think of Dany as the great hope of Westeros... weird. (Well in fairness she is still a better choice than Cersei or Ramsay...)

    I liked Stannis, I hope somehow he is still alive but I'm not holding out much hope.

    Post edited by Jonstark on
  • TheWheelManTheWheelMan Posts: 1,014
    edited December 1969

    The whole trip to Dorne was just a plot device to get Jaime out of the picture for the Cersei storyline. If he were there, he'd never have allowed that stuff to happen to her.

    Jon Snow almost has to come back somehow as he has been clearly established as an integral key to the war against the White Walkers. If the character really is gone, I'm going to terribly disappointed in the plotting of the show, as it would be an almost senseless storyline.

    I love the Dany character, but her story got bogged down trying to rule that city. I honestly think they wasted her and all of the actors in that branch of the storyline this year. They gave her practically nothing to do but talk and brood.

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