contents panel control order?
alan bard newcomer
Posts: 2,230
I have a number of content sections ... mostly building parts etc that I've built... I want them to sort by date not by name... hidden setting somewhere. I resorted the folder by date but daz overrides that.
and has to do it for specific folders
Maybe adding a number representing age (or ISO format date (2022-05-23 (- 11-14-55)) to beginning of file name? If a number, remember to add leading zeroes (01,02,03 or 001,002,003) to make them sort properly.
certainly an option .. and I considered it but I have 3o/40 items in some of these categories ... and there is this issue with type size and 4k monitors.
Yes, I can finally see the little dots to manipulate meshes..but can't see what I named them.
I havew 48,000 files in my daz backup... combination of dufs (each with a png) and renders from them.
Somewhere back in 2007 or so I suppose I should have time stamped the duf files and then chosen names for the renders that tie them to the duf file.
Hindsight is worthless at times.