Missing Files, and my brutal solution

clivewil2clivewil2 Posts: 129
edited July 2022 in Daz Studio Discussion

hello all,

several of my figures have been giving me the old 'missing files' popup - it doesn't say which files, but specifies Sisi for G8F as the source 

a quick search with Agent Ransack and then a find with Notepad++ reveals the following block in a whole bunch of my figures' code:



"id" : "PHMMouthRealism_HD_div2",

"url" : "/data/DAZ%203D/Genesis%208/Female/Morphs/Elianeck/Sisi/PHMMouthRealism_HD_div2.dsf#PHMMouthRealism_HD_div2",

"parent" : "#geometry",

"channel" : {

"id" : "value",

"type" : "float",

"name" : "Value",

"value" : 1,

"current_value" : 1


"region" : "Mouth",

"group" : "/Real World"



...i deleted that entire block, saved the figure and test-loaded it, and it came up without errors.

now - before i do something i may regret - can anyone give me a valid reason why i should *not* go through the other 20 figures and edit them the same way? is there something in this method that's going to bite me later if i proceed?

*** for what it's worth, i have never added that morph to a figure myself, it has happened under its own steam and without my knowledge.

*** for what it's worth, part II - the Sisi character is still installed in my library, so no idea why anything would be flagged as missing.

Post edited by clivewil2 on


  • BejaymacBejaymac Posts: 1,897

    Sigh, yet more poorly done content.

    Instead of deleting that section just change the pathway.

    Elianeck/Sisi should be DAZ%203D/Base, the entire line should read >>>

    "url" : "/data/DAZ%203D/Genesis%208/Female/Morphs/DAZ%203D/Base/PHMMouthRealism_HD_div2.dsf#PHMMouthRealism_HD_div2",

  • clivewil2clivewil2 Posts: 129

    Bejaymac said:

    Instead of deleting that section just change the pathway.

    ok but is it safe to delete? i'm a bit sus about having it in there in the first place, it shouldn't be there.

    rather than refining it, i want to nuke it. 

  • BejaymacBejaymac Posts: 1,897

    You can Nuke them if you want, but it might help if you knew what it was you were Nuking.

    In this case it's the modifier call to load and dial up the Mouth Realism HD morph, that morph is part of G8F's Starter Essentials and is used in most characters.

    In this case it would appear that the vendor has made an ass of things and got the pathway wrong.

  • clivewil2clivewil2 Posts: 129

    Bejaymac said:

    You can Nuke them if you want, but it might help if you knew what it was you were Nuking.

    In this case it's the modifier call to load and dial up the Mouth Realism HD morph, that morph is part of G8F's Starter Essentials and is used in most characters.

    In this case it would appear that the vendor has made an ass of things and got the pathway wrong.

    ah, i think i see what you're getting at - i thought that Sisi had written a new block of code, but really she has just hijacked an existing one, is that right?


    i pulled a plain vanilla Alexandra 8 from the library (that's what the above figure is, with the Sisi reference in it) and saved it as a subset then had a look through that, and oddly enough there's no Sisi but there's me in there. or more accurately, a reference to my Face Transfer preset (which adds about 10 helpful morphs for setting up FT figures.)

    "url" : "/data/Daz%203D/Genesis%208/Female/Morphs/clivewil2/FT%20Basic%20Setup/PHMMouthRealism_HD_div2.dsf#PHMMouthRealism_HD_div2"

    BUT none of my FT Basic Setup morphs were present in the Alex 8 in DS e.g. they are found in the .duf script but not found in DS's Currently Used parameters tab

    i'd never use that FT preset on anyting but a new FT figure, in fact it's an older unused version, hasn't been loaded up in eons - so how did it get inside Alex 8?

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872

    Sisi was updated in June. I don't know if that is related to your problem, but the readme comments quoted below seem relevant.

    Resolved Issues

    • 2022-06-06 Updated to correct mouth realism morph issue and to correct a call to an external morph that was not present.

  • clivewil2clivewil2 Posts: 129

    barbult said:

    Sisi was updated in June. I don't know if that is related to your problem, but the readme comments quoted below seem relevant.

    Resolved Issues

    • 2022-06-06 Updated to correct mouth realism morph issue and to correct a call to an external morph that was not present.

    ah ok, so i'll keep encountering it if i open certain older files, but no new occurrences should happen. thanks. 

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