CARRARA CHALLENGE #63: There be Dragons..... WIP

Your challenge is to do a render/animation of a Dragon inspired scene.
Types of Dragons:-
Western Dragon, Eastern Dragon, Wyvern, Wyrm, Drake, Hydra, Lindworm, Fafnir, Drachenstein, Amphisbaena, Amphitere, Jörmungandr, Rainbow Serpent, Basilisk, Apalala, Tiamat, Chelan Lake Dragon, Dragon of Beowulf, Dragon of St.George, Ladon, Sui-Riu, T’ien Lung, Hydrus, Naga, Quetzalcoatl, Azhi Dahaka, huge serpent, Dragon lizards, Komodo dragons, Crocodiles, Alligators, Dinosaurs, to name a few !!!
Dragon resources:-
DAZ3D Dragon inspired items:-
YOU can do up to 4 carrara renders/animations including in an external renderer for which there is a carrara plug-in (eg LuxRender, Octane) with your interpretation of the theme.
Images must be new, unpublished before the start of this challenge, but derivations of previous work allowed.
A WIP (work in progress) image must be posted to the WIP thread.
Content Use
Use of any and all content is allowed Subject to the Forum Terms of service.
Used content should be credited in the Entry Thread.
Participants are encouraged to create or modify content, but it is not required.
Post-work is allowed and welcome.
Entrants are encouraged, but not required, to explain their post-work in the WIP thread so that others can learn from it.
At least a brief description of post-work done should be included with the final entry in the Entry Thread.
The winner of the Challenge gets to pick the theme for the next Challenge and to make changes to the rules if they wish.
The winner of the Challenge will be the host for the next Challenge, but they may pass the hosting duties to any of the other winners if both agree, or to any other member of the forum if none of the winners is able or willing to host the next Challenge.
Thank you to our generous sponsor DAZ3D for offering the following awards to the winners:
1st Place: $75.00 towards DAZ3D owned item(s)
2nd Place: $50.00 towards DAZ3D owned item(s)
3rd Place: $40.00 towards DAZ3D owned item(s)
4th Place: $30.00 Towards DAZ3D owned item(s)
(Can only Win Once)
DATES to Remember:-
WIP Thread Opens: Saturday, 09 July 2022
Entry Thread Opens: Saturday, 06 August 2022
Entry Thread Closes/Voting Begins: Saturday, 20 August 2022 23:59:59 CST (GMT-6) 3 September 2022 23:59:59 CST (GMT-6)
Voting Ends: Saturday, 27 August 2022 23:59:59 CST (GMT-6) 10 September 2022 23:59:59 CST (GMT-6)
Looking forward to some fun! Lots of choices. Good idea.
So pretty much the same title as Challenge 51, except the focus is specifically on large reptiles?
I'm good with that. :) Thanks for stepping up and hosting!
WIP - Generic Daz Dragon 3 Users
If you load the Daz Dragon 3 in Carrara, the default load has the color diffuse map but is missing the maps for bump, etc. The missing maps were most probably installed on your drive, but Carrara simply failed to load them. Here is one of my attempts to correct the issue. (1) I loaded the bump map and increased its strength to 105. (2) I loaded the shininess map in the highlight channel with a multiplier set to a low number. (3) I multiplied the diffuse color map by weighted green and white colors. White keeps the original map, and green give a green tinge to the original. By weighted, I mean that the green is applied with more strength on areas of the skin surface which the original map had as darker grey skin. To weight, I nested some mixers and multipliers. I checked the invert color boxes for the maps in the weight tree so that more green would be applied where the map is darker. See attached screenshot. Saved the global shader for future use.
The dragon on the viewer's left is the default load. The dragon on the right has the updated bump maps and the weighted green multiplier. If my final version has a close up, I will probably add some subsurface scattering to the skin and some translucncy to the wing membranes.
Here is a screenshot to show the nested tree to apply weighted green tinge.
And here is the same global shader but substituting a red color for the green color. Compared to default load.
there is this
Thanks !!!
Thinking out of the box is welcome too, ie Dragon Boat or the Dragon headpiece ornaments on Viking boats.
Thanks for the tutorial !!!
Thanks for the link Wendy, set is well recommended !!!
Yep, Lizards, including Godzilla if he tickles your fancy !!!
The Herculoids
revamped file from one I did 2013 when Carrara was v8
changed the dragon style using 3DU dragon for dragon3 added foliage, props and added Tara ( Zandor's wife ) who wasn't in my original file.
Excellent render to start with Stezza !!!
Dragon Princess
Aiko 3 & Millennium Dragon
Raw render. Still to post work.
First of all used Topaz Adjust with the Crisp filter to bring out the details.
Next used Topaz Adjust Color Blast filter to bring out the colour.
Then into Filter Forge and applied the Aquarelle filter for a NPR look.
Back into PSP and adjusted the Filter Forge layer to 65% transperancy so the filter look did not overpower the image.
Final postworked image.
Thanks for hosting Bunyip02, cool theme. I started sketching out some ideas yesterday involving a paper dragon puppet but haven't even set it in composition yet, let alone create it. Was mainly looking at references and such. Lots of false starts as usual for me...
Cool Diomede, thank you for the explanations and very helpful screen grab. I believe this will come in handy soon.
Ha, that's cool Stezza, nice work. I had to look that up, never heard of the show.
The final has a nice illustrative style and colors and I like the point of view.
~ Very Good _
Thanks Carrara'ists ... I posted the DownUnder Dragon for anyone who may find it useful for the challenge
Herculoids was one of my favs
Happy to be host !!!
Looking forward to what you come up with !
Always good to see a screen shot of the methodology that is used - thanks Diomede !!!
Thanks - was going for a book illustration feel to the image !!!
ed3D hope you are going to join in the fun !!!
Thanks for the freebie Stezza !!!
I made use of the dragon
Fantasy Garden Party
Willy Gruen went to a garden party
and much to his surprise
there was singing crows
and onion breath
and lots of dragon flies
everything except the background picture I modelled in Carrara
~ was supposeing to ~
Awesome Stezza, love how you add your characters to the scene !!!
Looking forward to your work !!!
wow Great Challenge idea Bunyip02 and lots of wonderful creative juices happening already - should have an image up soon - sorry I have been away ;(