Auto fit and Genesis Generation X

Kev914Kev914 Posts: 1,115
edited December 1969 in The Commons

Is auto fit part of Daz Studio or is an add on that you have to buy? I tried it and it worked for the characters and clothing that I chose (Although there was one item that I tried where it said that it was unsupported, but it wanted to know if I wanted to try to convert anyway.

I didn't even know how it worked. I read about people using it in the forum, so I went to see where it was and how to use it. I added a character and then some clothes that didn't belong to that character, and a window popped up asking if wanted to convert. (So I'm thinking it is included with Studio, or maybe I just picked a character where I bought the plug-in for? I remember buying something for Michael 4.)

I was also wondering what I would use Generation X2 for? I understand that it lets you transfer morphs from one character to another. But what are some real world examples that you use this for? And do you find a need to do this very often? (I have Generation X, but I never got around to actually doing anything with it. But maybe there is a world of things that I could do that I have even conceived of yet.

I was also wondering...if I purchased the pro version of Daz Studio in the past...before it was free...I think the latest serial number that I had was for I need to enter this serial number into the latest version of Studio? It looks like all the plug-ins are active, but I see there is a place to enter a serial number.

I also have pwCatcher and render throttle. Are those plugins still used. I haven't installed them yet. Didn't want to mess anything up. I know Studio uses a different render engine now.



  • riftwitchriftwitch Posts: 1,409
    edited December 1969

    Kevinh said:
    Is auto fit part of Daz Studio or is an add on that you have to buy? I tried it and it worked for the characters and clothing that I chose (Although there was one item that I tried where it said that it was unsupported, but it wanted to know if I wanted to try to convert anyway.

    I didn't even know how it worked. I read about people using it in the forum, so I went to see where it was and how to use it. I added a character and then some clothes that didn't belong to that character, and a window popped up asking if wanted to convert. (So I'm thinking it is included with Studio, or maybe I just picked a character where I bought the plug-in for? I remember buying something for Michael 4.)

    I was also wondering what I would use Generation X2 for? I understand that it lets you transfer morphs from one character to another. But what are some real world examples that you use this for? And do you find a need to do this very often? (I have Generation X, but I never got around to actually doing anything with it. But maybe there is a world of things that I could do that I have even conceived of yet.

    I was also wondering...if I purchased the pro version of Daz Studio in the past...before it was free...I think the latest serial number that I had was for I need to enter this serial number into the latest version of Studio? It looks like all the plug-ins are active, but I see there is a place to enter a serial number.

    I also have pwCatcher and render throttle. Are those plugins still used. I haven't installed them yet. Didn't want to mess anything up. I know Studio uses a different render engine now.


    Auto-fit is part of Studio. There are some add-ons that let you do things such as fit Genesis 2 clothes to Genesis, but the basic functionality is already there.

    GenX is very handy if you want to use morphs from Generation 3 & 4 on Genesis or Genesis 2, or transfer between Genesis 1 & 2. It is possible to transfer morphs without GenX, but I've never managed to do it. Either way you do it, it's great to be able to transfer morphs from one generation to another that may not have the figure or morph you want to use.

  • HavosHavos Posts: 5,404
    edited December 1969

    As said above auto fit is part of Daz Studio, however the clones that are needed to allow you fit the clothing of 1 figure onto that of another are not all built in. Built in by default are for Genesis 2 a clone for Genesis, and for Genesis 1, clones for M4, V4 and K4.

    From commercial products you can also get clones of M4 for G2M, V4 for G2F, and for Genesis all the generation 3 models, and a few others like Sam and Sadie.

    Generation X as said allows you to move morphs between figures. I suspect it is mostly used by people that have existing characters based on older models that they want to keep looking the same whilst being able to migrate the characters to the newest figures. However you can move generic morphs you like from older figures to newer ones aswell.

    You can also use Generation X to transfer the clones mentioned above to Genesis 2. I have done this to give my G2M/G2F figures a full range of generation 3 clones (V3, M3, A3 etc).

  • JOdelJOdel Posts: 6,288
    edited June 2015

    GenX is also very useful for transferring expressions built for gen4 to Genesis (Probably to G2 as well but I haven't sat down and started doing it). There are loads of expressions out there built for the older figures. What I've found even better is that the GenX expressions come in on dials so you can blend or just lightly apply them, where the gen4 expressions were presets that were all or nothing.

    Post edited by JOdel on
  • scorpioscorpio Posts: 8,484
    edited December 1969

    PWCatch works fine but only using 3Delight Render throttle I don't believe does work and hasn't for a few versions.
    DS still has the 3Delight render engine as well as the new one Iray.

  • CybersoxCybersox Posts: 9,085
    edited December 1969

    Some other things that GenX2 lets you do: transfer morphs and expressions between G2F and G2m. While the application for transgender and androgynous characters should be obvious, it also lets you use your G2F expressions on G2M and vice versa, as well as make female versions of creature shapes that only come in male versions.

  • Kev914Kev914 Posts: 1,115
    edited December 1969

    Thanks for the information.

    Not sure if this will be posted more than once as I was getting an error message when I tried to submit.

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