A Plea to all PA's, Vendors, and Content Creators

To all the folks, here and around the web, who make the wonderful content you sell or give for free....Please, please please, have at least 1 item in your product have the name (or even parts of it) of your product!
If you don't, doing a search in content library (let alone Smart Content) is.
For example, if you make a product titled "Deco Props", then the word "Deco" should be in an object's name, so it can be found in a content search.
If you're making a bunch of weapons or guns..."weapon" or "gun" should at least bring up 1 of your items so a "Show in mapped folder" will bring the whole thing up.
Just a plea from someone who doesn't know how to make neat stuff like you:)
DAZ is pushing to get the naming conventions on things more organized.. But lets face it. Working with PA's is like herding cats some days so it may not happen right away.