How to make a belt not deform

How to make a belt not deform 

The image shows a low poly belt deformed, the left side becomes wider than the right side in the example, most any pose at all will deform it depending on how the hip is rotated I guess.

What is the process that it will not get strecthed out of shape whenever the figure is posed?

thanks for the help

492 x 440 - 395K


  • felisfelis Posts: 4,691

    If it is related to posing, you can weight paint the belt so each area only has influence from one bone, although that that might cause other issues.

    To see the weight pant. Select weight paint tool, open tool settings, select the belt in the scene tab and expand it, select a bone near hip or pelvis, in the tool setting click general weight.

    Now the belt should become red-blue-grey, red meaning full weight, grey no weight, and you can paint with your cursor that has become a circle.

  • VicSVicS Posts: 1,273

    thanks felis

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