HELP with downloading 64 bit mac

I just got my new MACPRO and am trying to download the MAC INTEL 64 bit Carrara 8 pro and NO JOY! I have the old Carrara 32 bit PPC 8 pro but that doesn't do me any good!
Where do I go to download Carrara 8.1 pro 64 bit INTEL mac THEN the 8.5 BETA?
Have you tried resetting your downloads?
Yes they say I have numerous available downloads
Seems nothing happens during the download! ALSO do i have to install carrara 8.1 PRO before I try to download carrara 8.5 beta?
Can't help you with that. I only have C7 Pro.
Regarding the downloads: There's no download window showing a progress bar? Maybe it's your web browser, I've read a couple posts where people had troubles related to that. Of course, if I recall correctly it was IE that had the most problems. I can't post in the forums if I use Safari.
rantingrich1=RichardChaos btw ;-P
he is talking to himself!!!
try downloading it on your old computer maybe
my browser on my desktop filters out a lot of stuff as the security settings are very high, maybe yours are too, and no toolbars or addons but I prefer it that way,
it is my workstation, need to avoid viruses so mostly only update AVG and Windows on it
(but admit I am browsing this forum on it now, one of only 4 sites I do)
use laptop and Android for browsing and downloads
I have multiple browsers too for that reason (IE, Firefox, Chrome, Opera on my PC)