Exporting from Hexagon 2.5 to Daz 4.8 (Mac)

Because of reasons, I lost MANY MANY hours spent building things.
I might be able to recover a small part of what I had done.
I have 2 objects (parented) that I had SENT TO HEXAGON in hopes of turning them into one moving thing.
The objects in Daz are destroyed.
But they're sitll in Hexagon, so there should be some way to get them back to Daz, With the textures and settings intact.
The SEND TO DAZ option doesn't work. Either because Hexagon only sort of works on Macs these days, or because Daz is 4.8 now..I don't know.
In the pictures are the options I have in the SAVE AS menu and the export menu...will any of these work for what I need?
You can export as an object. It will save an .mtl file that will load the textures and what ever of the settings HEX could understand. But some of the settings will be lost no matter what.
MY QUESTION was for the settings to remain intact.
Exporting to an OBJ does not do that. Thank you for replying.
Yes exporting to obj does save with textures intact...
You need to use very simple names for the materials...think 8.3 naming conventions. No spaces, etc. Then you need to 'collect and localize', so the textures are in the same location as the mtl file. Yes, there are other ways of doing it, but that is the easiest. Even with the initial loading of the textures, you will need to manually reapply them, in DS, if you don't want them to load from the original location...if you want them in the Textures folder, you'll need to reload them from there, before saving in DS native format.
My answer is still the same. HEX does not have all those settings to send back to Studio. It saves a base color, the textures, transparency % (but not maps), bump and specularity (limited) information. None of the other information is imported into HEX to even be sent back.
Hex export to OBJ did not save the settings.
I wound up installing Hex into Parallels, Send To Daz in Windows, and go from there. THAT saved all the settings, save the maps, which is the easy fix.