Please help G2F inj morph for poser

I created a G2F dial morph for Daz and would like to create a inj rem pose for poser or companion files. The plugins on the market and tutorials vor V4 etc. all dont seem to work for G2.Has any one seen a particular tool or Tutorial that works for G2F to create inj pz2 or apply scripts.Ta
Do you mean a custom morphs, made with DForms in DS or by loading an OBJ with Morph Loader? Or do you mean settings for existing morphs? For the former you need to use File>Save as>Support Assets>Morph Asset first, where the names you enter for Author and product determine the folder names within \Data\DAZ 3D\Genesis 2\Female\Morphs used for the asset files. Once you have an asset, or if using existing morphs, you just save a Shaping preset from File>Save as, then find it in the Content Library pane and use the Create Poser Companion Files command from the pane's option menu (lined button in the top corner) to make it usable in Poser.
Thanks for the reply, i did safe my dial as dsf and it works as dial in both Poser and Daz,but in order to sell it, i need to create an apply and remove preset inj rem pz2 for Poser. I have tried everything out there that was written before G2F came out and does not seem to work on G2,it seems a big secret, I can not find any help that is G2 specific. I will try what you said ,sounds good thanks again.
The slider should appear as a dial in Poser - unless it's set to hidden and you see it in DS because you are showing hidden parameters.