Gift Cards Not Valid Payment Method? Me Confused Again...

Yet another question about questionable bits in the store!
I got a commission for a website and it needs some art involving humans, not cows!
Why they would want humans and not cows is beyond me, but it does mean that I need some stuff I don't have and can't afford to buy myself.
So I went to get info on gift cards so I can tell my client to just buy one of those for any items I may need - but saw this in the description for the cards:
Purchase store credit for your friend or yourself with a DAZ 3D Gift Card. Store credit is not a valid payment method. Credit Card or PayPal only.
What does that mean??
If it's not a valid payment method, what good is it?
I also seem to remember that when buying a gift card the purchaser simply got a code number they could forward to anybody. I'm quite particular about keeping my identity as obscured as possible online, and this also seems to be requiring that they send it to me via email rather than simply getting the number and sending me that. I have no issues with the email thing, but it is annoying and adds another useless layer to the process so will proceed with my usual whining and complaining about the world changing too much for my tastes (while accepting that I can't do anything else about it but complain!).
So my main question is - What limitations are put on gift cards that makes them not a valid payment method? This confuses me and now I am unsure whether to ask the client to buy the card or not!
I attached a screenshot in case my Old Hippy Brain is reading something wrong :roll:
EDIT: Just thought of a possibility - could this mean Gift Cards are not a valid payment method for Gift Cards?? Sort of a way to make them non-transferable?
But if that were the case why phrase it so ambiguously? It should say "Store credit is not a valid payment method for Gift Cards" if that was what it meant - right?
Me still confused...

I think it might mean that you can't buy gift cards with store credit.
I think so too - I was editing that thought in as you posted.
Thanks for the quick answer!
I hope that's all it means...
That's it. You have to buy a gift card with real dollars, because gift cards become store credit in your account, so during those times when there is a discount applied to purchasing gift cards, DAZ could actually start losing money in a loop of unscrupulous purchases if that safegaurd was not in place.
That is exactly what it means, DAZ 3D had to add that proviso when some clever person decided that it would be fun to use a discounted gift cert to buy yet another gift cert. Gift certs when redeemed become store credit. You can imagine where they could have gone with this, before it was stomped on.
snap with FB
I never realized gift cards went on sale.
So I once again suggest to the Grand High Schnozola at DAZ that maybe it should say “Store credit is not a valid payment method for Gift Cards” - just to avoid further confusion by other Old Hippies who have not had their coffee yet!
Boy - I am slow!
Yet another reply posted while I was posting.
Thanks for the confirmation.
I'll try to get my client to make an account here and buy the card.
Or settle for Cows instead of humans - which I think is a far more preferable way to go anyhow!
Yes, the purchaser can "send" the GC to themselves and just pass on the code to you (by PM or whatever communication means you prefer) so they don't really need your email address at the store. (This is the method used by sponsors of GC prizes in the RRRR contest)
Yes, the purchaser can "send" the GC to themselves and just pass on the code to you (by PM or whatever communication means you prefer) so they don't really need your email address at the store. (This is the method used by sponsors of GC prizes in the RRRR contest)
Thanks Muchly for that!
I do use different emails for here and my business dealings, so that does help. No need for a customer to see all those perverted cows and things associated with the Sockratease entity :coolsmile: