Install Help Please?

So I bought these two Carrara-specific products, and for the life of me I just can't figure out why Carrara wants nothing to do with them. lol
I usually just designate my "DAZ CONTENT DIRECTORY" folder as the destination folder; occasionally I'll do the "RUNTIME" folder within it if the item is being especially finicky. But these two items don't offer a default destination directory, and they don't show up in Carrara in any of the folders I've tried including the two listed above and the "HAIR" folder.
Anyone have any ideas?
Thanks a ton!!!
Hya try going to your objects browser and adding the folder there...
don't ask me why but it worked for me
Dynamic hair wouldn't go into a runtime as that's a Poser file structure and not needed for non-Poser or D/S style figures or props.
Dynamic hair goes in the Objects browser. Any shaders for it go into the Shaders browser. You can install them just about anywhere you want. Once installed to your preferred folder or directory, simply add the folder to your browser. see screen shot.
If you have questions about the installation, look at the read-me that should be included with the product.
EVIL! I wasnt gunna say anything for this threaed but I can help myself!!! WHAT is the deal with all those distant LIGHTS is that screen shot you submitted?
ANd i bet I am not the only one to wonder?
Looks like what I get with a pz3. They always come in with bunches of lights and cameras.
EP has obviously some sort of lightdome going on there RC, not something I'd try for animation
( Ihave about 50bulbs.maximum and that is pushing it)
I stick Carrara stuff into my Carrara objects and other folders in documents/daz3d/Carrara 8 or on my external drive and add the folder depending on size.
some things with installers go to program files, daz 3d carrara 8 but often still need to add them manually.
Wendy's correct, I was fiddling with making my own light dome with a couple distribution maps. I was fiddling with the number of lights, kind of lights, intensity of lights, etc. This one is for an outdoors scene, so I had two replicators on the sphere. One for an ambient sky colored light that's more evenly distributed and one for sunlight which was more concentrated. Total for this attempt was 200 lights. Rendered solid objects, decently fast, but trees and alphas were dog slow.
Yay! Worked!
I'm still having trouble with a couple items I purchased (unrelated), wherein I get that Windows message like "An error occured so we're closing this application" on the install. Not sure what that's about. And my M4 Creature Morphs says that it's missing the source file or somethin.
I'll have to get with tech support on Monday.
Thanks again! :)
What OS are you using?
I've got the same issues while using Dynamic Hair. Not so much finding it (I did the same thing you did, searching all over for it), but more like getting the layers to work, or changing certain parts of the hair. I wish I could find tutorials on how to change the lengths, or styles of the store bought dynamic hairs, or make blonde highlights or red ones on certain parts like the promo pictures show for most of the buyable carrara dynamic hair.
Google searching only brings up results for making your own Dynamic hair, not using ones you bought online.
It's the same thing. Store bought dynamic hair and the hair you make yourself are equally editable. The blond highlights would be controlled with the hair shader. The shape of the hair is driven by the guide hairs of course, but it's alos driven by functions in the hair shader as well. Once you learn a bit how they interact you'll have better results. Unfortunately, it's not well documented. There are some good tutorials out there. Hollywetcircuit has a nice one.