Genesis 2 Breast animationin Iclone Reallusion

Hey guys--I use 3Dx to move gen 2 into Iclone but I starting to get a bit frustrated trying to figure out how to get the bewbs to move in Iclone for Genesis--it just looks so unnatural with certain movements--like her breast are rocks. Is there a way to make the breast appear more natural with real movement in clone using like spring or something...if so how? IS there a tut on it?
I just started in Iclone 6 myself but I think you may need to do this work in studio creating the animation using a prebuilt walk animation or make one yourself from poses and on the down stride have her breasts move slighlty down. Just my 2cents.
Thank you--yeah I tried putting animations on the breasts in DAZ but they don't seem to transfer into the animation once I export it into iCLone. Not sure why.
Hey just read that put that functionality in 3dExhange pipeline --s o I guess I'll have to upgrade so Gen2 can get jiggy in IClone--lol.
Moved to the Commons because it is not an offer of a freebie.
oh oops my bad...