Michael 4 in Daz Studio

I'm confused about how I use Michael 4. There are some icons in the smart content. But there are more icons in the other library. I can't remember what it was called.
Do I use Michael as a Genesis character? Or a non-genesis character? I have that file/program that let's you use him as a genesis character. But is he one or two. Of course I don't know how to use that utility. And if you use him the old way, where is all the stuff. I can find the standard textures, but not the High resolution even though the DAZ installer says that they are installed. And isn't there suppose to be a !DAZ folder. I looked at the product list and it says there is such a folder, and I can find it if I look at windows explorer, but I can't find it in the browser when I have Daz Studio open.
My system is new and the Daz installer put everything where it thought it should go.
Never mind. I found them. I'm not sure where the !Daz folder is for Micheal 4 in the runtime or ever if I need to know where it is.
Is there a document somewhere that tells you how to use Michael 4 as a genesis figure?
Also, will I break anything if I try to organize the runtime folder. There a so many folders in Character. I would like to put all the clothing for V4 in a folder called V4, etc.
Thanks again.
Michael 4 is a separate figure to Genesis, indeed an older generation of figure. You can use it if you want, put M4's clothing on it etc, but it is no where near as flexible to use as Genesis 1 and 2, and if you intend on using the latter there is little (imho) advantage of using M4 at all.
The product you are refering to allows you to change the shape of Genesis 2 to look exactly like M4, but it is still a Genesis 2 figure. More importantly what that product allows you to do is put M4's clothing onto G2M and use M4's skins on G2M.
What you have been looking at to try and find these older products, such as the high resolution M4 textures, is smart content. However smart content is only created for newer products, and the vast majority of M4 products have no smart content and so you have to locate them in the "Content Library" tab which shows all content, old and new. M4 stuff is probably under the poser format part, and you may have to add a base library to that in order to see the content.
If you right click on any installed product in the installation manager (ie DIM) and click on "Show Installed Files" that shows you where every file has been installed and will thus guide you into finding the content in the Content Library tab.
My advice is to leave the runtime library alone, and use DIM to locate the content. You can move stuff around under libraries (but not stuff inside the geometries or texture libraries), however if you do then DIM will not be able to uninstall or update the product for you.
In time, as more and more of your content is newer stuff, then it will appear under Smart Content, and you can mostly forget about how it is organised in the content library.
Thanks for your help.
I found the pdf for Michael 4 UV Mapping for Genesis 2 Male and I founded the document for one of the Michael 4 textures. I had to save the textures manually as .dup as I had never purchased that batch converter. (But I have added to my cart.) Am I suppose to save a texture as a Material Preset. That's what I did, but I'm not sure it that is correct. It would show in the smart content if I had Michael 4 selected but disappear when I selected the Genesis 2 Male. I didn't know where to find it. I used the search bar and I was able to locate it in the content directory and then apply it to the Genesis 2 male. So do I need to save it some how so that it will show up for a preset for the Genesis 2 male now? Maybe I have to save it again now as a material preset now that it is applied to the Genesis 2 male?
I mostly use the newer 5 and 6 characters, but I did like M4 and David 3.
And is it possible to make the Genesis 2 male have the same face as the default Mike 4 had. Do I need that Generation X2 to do that? It is also in my cart.
Also, are you saying I shouldn't put all of M4 clothing in one folder, the same as the other older characters? (I figured the uninstaller wouldn't work if I did that.) It's not so bad if the product has the character name in the title, but some only have a clothing name, and I have no idea what character they go to. I have sooo much content.
thanks again.
You are right that in order to apply a M4 texture to G2M you have to create a duf file first by applying the material to M4 or Genesis 1 first, and then creating a material preset. As you saw, the preset does not appear as smart data for Genesis 2 Male, though it may appear in the unassigned section of smart content (you might have to have nothing in your scene selected to see it in "unassigned". You can set up your own smart data but I am no expert on how to do this.
If you have the "Michael 4 for Genesis 2 Male" you do not need Gen X to get G2M to look like M4, he should appear as one of the morphs under People. However if you want to transfer over characters based on M4, then you will need Gen X.
Sorting out your libraries directory is really your decision as I agree they can look very messy. I was merely pointing out the downside, namely confusing DIM. There are certain morph injections that should not be moved either, as it could cause issues. I used to move stuff around in libraries back when I used Poser, but now that I am using DS and DIM I no longer do this.
Naturally you can still use the older figures should you wish, particularly for background characters where the superior morphing and bending of Genesis is less important. For Gen 3 characters like David 3, there is another reason to use them in that it is the only way to use their skins as no Gen 3 UV exists yet for either Genesis 1 or 2.