OT: 3-weeks to Pluto

LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,681
edited June 2015 in The Commons

And now for something completely different... Three weeks to Pluto

And for more fun than a barrel of monkeys... "Eyes on Pluto" (and the JPL visualization app "Eyes on the Solar System")
After you take a peak at the interactive detailed pre-visualization of the camera maneuvers the New Horizons spacecraft will make as it approaches the Pluto system, step back and exit out of the Pluto tour to see what else JPL's "Eyes on the Solar System" app offers. Every major spacecraft, every major planet and moon are available for an interactive "ride-along", or telescopic view, or free fly interactive experience. View them "Now" or speed up or slow down the passage of time, zoom in, zoom out, fly around the craft or planet. See the name of something in the background? Click on it, and click again to go there. Great fun for nerds. Lots of buttons to push. It's like an educational adventure game. :coolsmile:

Any planetary or space renders out there waiting for an opportunity to be displayed? :coolsmile:

Post edited by LeatherGryphon on


  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    edited December 1969

    Plutonians :)

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,681
    edited June 2015

    Plutonians :)

    Dogs in space! whoo-eeee-uuuu

    351 x 143 - 12K
    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • wsterdanwsterdan Posts: 2,419
    edited December 1969

    And now for something completely different... Three weeks to Pluto
    Thanks for the heads-up, some great links.
    -- Walt Sterdan
  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,618
    edited December 1969

    Meh NASA will not open on my out of date android browser, it just gives me Google play update suggestions but my old Samsung Galaxy no longer supported.
    May look on PC later.

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,681
    edited June 2015

    (*enter gloat mode*)
    I'm running Windows7 on a desktop and the application works fine for me. I forget that not everybody reads these forums on almost real computers, preferring instead to carry toy computers with them as permanent distractions to the banalities of real life. :-P

    I begrudgingly made the concession to the 21st century to buy a small simple TracFone with a 3/4 inch square display that I use only for making and receiving actual audio phone calls (about 3 per month) that costs me the exorbitant sum of $7/month. So I am blissfully unaware of the issues encountered by the people who carry $100/month oversized virus magnets glued to their hand and/or ear. :coolgrin:
    (*exit gloat mode*)

    Regarding the "Eyes on Pluto" and "Eyes on the Solar System" applications. They're actually very well done and worth playing with for a few minutes. :cheese:

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,618
    edited December 1969

    I am rendering 3D animation with DAZ models on my REAL computer

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,681
    edited June 2015

    I am rendering 3D animation with DAZ models on my REAL computer

    It's not a REAL computer unless when it dies it can be used as an anchor for your yacht. Or it lives in a freezer locker on a false floor when alive. :blank:

    It's not a REAL computer unless long lines of impatient people are waiting to get access to it.

    It's not a REAL computer unless evil alien energy beings can be flushed out of it by verbally requesting calculation of the last digit of Pi (π).

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
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