Looking to become a PA... Looking for a partner

khaliblookhalibloo Posts: 76
edited June 2015 in The Commons

Hi, I'm looking to become a PA. I've designed several items and some are nearing completion. Here are some examples.

And there's a lot more where that came from :)

However, I'm no expert in going under the hood of daz studio. I find it frustrating to set up custom bones, rigidity groups and such. More importantly, I'm terrible at rendering with 3delight. I don't have the patience for other supported raytracing engines like lux and octane either. So I cannot make good promo images on my own.

If you're interested in partnering with me long term and you're sure you've got the skill and speed to keep up, don't hesitate to contact me. So basically, i'll come up with the designs, make the models and texture them while you'll set them up in daz studio, tweak the necessary nuts and bolts, set up the materials, package the products, render the promo images.

Ideally, I'd like to partner with someone who's already a PA or is experienced in these sort of things.

Post edited by khalibloo on


  • Cris PalominoCris Palomino Posts: 11,706
    edited December 1969


    You can start looking there. Since you're not a PA, the title of the thread should really be more like Looking to become a PA and need partner.

  • khaliblookhalibloo Posts: 76
    edited December 1969

    Thanks, but i've read that a hundred times.

    I know how to do some of the common things like rigidity maps, custom bones, etc. daz studio is unlike anything else i use daily. it's like hopping on thin ice with your eyes closed and your breath held. it's uncomfortable, frustrating and very slow. when something goes wrong, there's virtually no undo, start over! when it crashes, no recovery, start over! the renderer is very very very slow. to top it off, i'm naturally horrible at lighting.

    That's why i cannot do this on my own.

    Thanks for the title suggestion. now that you mention it, it was misleading.

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