Pricing of Summer Savings on Pro Bundle **Solved-New Tier Log Out!**

NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
edited June 2015 in The Commons

If I am a PC+ member and start off with the Pro Bundle at 51% off ($66.13) then with the ten punches (which clearly states +15% off New Releases) then that means the 15% is off the 66.13 which is 9.92.


So why is it 59.21 in my cart?

Post edited by Novica on


  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited December 1969

    And all the 19.95 morphs at 51% are 9.78
    15% off that is 1.47
    9.78- 1.47 gives me a price of $8.31
    It is charging me $8.80

    So if my math is right, anyone with 10 punches is paying about 50 cents more on each of those three 19.95 products, or overpaying by about $1.50.

    Am I correct?

    1199 x 416 - 79K
  • LindseyLindsey Posts: 2,001
    edited June 2015

    I had a discount issue making the first purchase at a new tier discount level. The solution was to log out and back into the store to refresh the new discount level from your user profile.

    Post edited by Lindsey on
  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited December 1969

    Thanks Lindsey- solved it that way!
    Think of all the people overpaying because they don't log out and in. SHOULDN'T HAVE to DO THAT when the new discount clearly shows on the Summer Savings page. You assume it has taken effect. That should be followed up on IMO.

  • LindseyLindsey Posts: 2,001
    edited December 1969

    leochen0706 had posted the solution in another thread when I mentioned this same issue. I have to admit I also validate the discount calculations to be sure I have all eligible discounts before checking out!

  • nobody1954nobody1954 Posts: 933
    edited December 1969

    Thank you. I was having the same problem. Logging out and in again fixed it.

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited December 1969

    For those of you doing tiers and watching what you buy, the three morph products (head, body, expressions) weren't in the Summer Savings and were supposed to be- so support was fixing it retroactively and that means if you bought those (any or all of them) then you should have gotten punches for those by now. With those three making 3/5, I went ahead and bought two more things to get an extra 5% by moving into the next group. (wow, up to 20% off new, 40% additional old releases. Stacks with the Summer Savings.)

    Thought I'd mention those three in case you folks had bought them and didn't log out/log in to see your new standing.

  • namffuaknamffuak Posts: 4,192
    edited December 1969

    The gift card discounts stack as well. I got the 7% for the V7 and then the 6% for the punches was applied to the balance. Nets out to just over 12.5% total.

  • RIPRIP Posts: 3
    edited December 1969

    Is anyone else having problems with the "BONUS SAVINGS: Get an Extra 20% OFF tomorrow’s new Victoria 7 items when you buy any of the following items + an EXTRA 15% off previous generation items listed in the section below." I bought yesterday and have items from today in my cart but I'm not seeing any change on the previous generation items. They are still the same discounted price like yesterday.

  • morkmork Posts: 278
    edited December 1969

    I'm not receiving the 20% extra on the Day 2 items, although I did buy Vicky yesterday. Also I'm not receiving the extra 5% from the Summer Savings.
    They really need to fix their shop, I don't feel comfortable with buying at a lottery shop, where you don't know what your bill actually will be in the end. :( Maybe I still get the discount, although it's not showing up, had that more than once, but I have no guarantee...

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited December 1969

    Did either of you get it resolved?

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited December 1969

    In my cart, the Leather Bodysuit is showing $8.94.
    It's 19.95, marked to 13.97.

    Being a yesterday's purchaser, an extra 20% off
    But Summer Savings, an extra 20% too.

    13.97 x .20 off= -2.79 so should be 13.97-2.79=11.18
    (For you people who have no tier but purchased yesterday (so you get one 20% discount) that should be your price.

    But I'm at 20% Summer Savings, so then 11.18 x 20% off is -2.24
    11.18 -2.24= BINGO 8.94

    So the cart is working.

  • DAZ_Thai_AdminDAZ_Thai_Admin Posts: 85
    edited December 1969

    10 punches gets you 10% off new releases, not 15% off new releases.

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