Trouble with 3Delight
After creating a scene that has windows, I want to add a green environment to fall in back of the windows so I can save the still and use it in another program to place what I want to be seen out of the windows. All I get is black when using 3Delight. Iray works, but Delight does not. How can I get the background to stay green?
How are you adding it? The Render Settings environment map is Iray-only.
With 3Delight, as with some Filament renders/scenes, you need a physical background. You need a scene with trees or some tree assets that are placed outside the window and then you must put the proper light outside the window so it can be seen
If you want a solid green background, add a (Physical) skydome or create a primitive sphere, remove all maps, turn off diffuse strength and turn ambient strength to 100%, set ambient color to the color of your liking. Possibly turn off shadows on the sphere/dome if you use distant lights etc.