How to keep an object in the same place (relatively)

Hey everyone,

I have made a gold/metallic badge that I made using an svg file from - - from there I used Blender to separate the parts, followed by using Strata to extrude and apply gold/metallic textures to each of the parts, then I imported the separate object files into Daz.

My issue is that when the character moves, I have to adjust the object each time.

I have "parented" the object to the characters Left Collar, along with selecting the checkbox for "Parent in place" but the object still moves when the character goes into another position. What can I do to address this issue?

BTW, adjustments in the transform were not insignificant alterations. You can see by the screenshots how much I had to change the transform settings.

I have also tried the method of using a rendering of the objects (the badge) and adding a layer to the texture for the shirt in the "Layered Image editor", but it does not look as realistic as the rendered object files in the scene

As usual, thanks n advance


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  • felisfelis Posts: 4,688

    You want to attach it with a rigid follower node.

    That is a number of polygons that your badge can be parented to.

  • Thank you @felis 

    I googled "Daz rigid follower node" after you made the suggestion and I followed this quick tutorial -

    The only thing that I had to change was that making my object, which was three parts, the process turned it into one. As a result, I re-imported the remaining two objects and parented them to the newly created prop

    It worked like a charm and I was able to save it as a wearable preset for use later on another character.

    Thank you so much

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