Zoom (Dolly) Inverted option?

Hello. Im trying to setup Maya-style navigation for Daz Studio, as far as default one isnt comfortable for me at all. The problem Im facing is - while I reconfigured Zoom (Dolly) to Alt+RMB - it zooming to opposite direction.

If its possible to alter some config files maybe to make it work right?

Maya-style navigation is 3d industry standart used in many 3d software packages. Unity, Modo, Blender, 3d Coat, Cinema4D, Substance Painter, Unreal Engine and many others. Even 3ds max added it as alternative navigation style.

Its a shame its not yet implemented to Daz. Please, help, my brain turns inside out zooming (dollying) wrong direction!


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,813

    Window>Workspace>Customise has an option to invert the mousewheel but I don't think there is a way to invert the modifier-drag behaviour.

  • Thank you Richard. Yes, I tried mousewheel inversion already, it doesnt influencing mouse dragging. Maybe someone of devs will take a notice on topic..

    >>option to invert Zoom (Dolly) mouse dragging direction from right-to-left for zoom-in to left-to-right for zoom-in.

    >>>Overall, adding a couple choosable navigation templates may increase quality of life greatly.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,813

    If you want to make a formal feature request (which may or may not be accepted) you need to open a support ticket https://www.daz3d.com/help

  • Got it. Thank you, Richard!

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