Creating auto-fit clones for G3F for free

As stated in a number of other places, particularly by Kattey you can create auto-fit clones for G3F fairly easily using G2F clones and auto-fit. The tutorial is here:
I am sure I am not the first to try this, but following the instructions I created a Genesis, V4 and G2M clone in around 15 mins or so. See my first pic, that is G3F wearing Genesis clothing I autofitted directly (ie I did not have to fit to G2F first). I have only tried a few outfits, but so far it seems to work quite well.
However you can not use the clone as a way to morph G3F into V4, or any other shape. It sort of morphs in the T-Pose, but if you apply any pose the shape is horribly distorted. I guess this is due to the extra bones and weight map/rigging changes. See my second pic showing G3F morphed into V4 and then posed, not pretty, particularly the hands. If anyone knows a work around for this, I would be interested.

Umm...that looks like the classic need to adjust rigging to shape problem.
Any idea how to do that? Is it something I need to do before importing the morph (ie obj) to G3F?
you need to use the Joint Editor tool. Right Click, Edit, Adjust Rigging to shape.
There are some options in there... Most of the time the top "Adjust Center" and "Adjust End" options are all that is needed. But sometimes the "Orientation" option is also needed.
Have you ever used the Joint Editor Tool?
No, but there is always a first time, I will mesh around with it and see what I can get to work.
I THINK that is what you need. You can use this tool at any point, helps with extreme morphs. in your case I think you want to dial in the morph while in t pose. Activate the tool. You may notice the bones are totally out of place. Follow the steps I mentioned.
You should see the bones go into the correct place.
If that works...then you can learn to ERC freeze the bones into that place for that particular morphz( so even when you dial in small percentages it will work correctly, and you can save the bone postion to be used in later files and stuff)...but let us know if you can get the bones into the right place.
I THINK that is what you need. You can use this tool at any point, helps with extreme morphs. in your case I think you want to dial in the morph while in t pose. Activate the tool. You may notice the bones are totally out of place. Follow the steps I mentioned.
You should see the bones go into the correct place.
If that works...then you can learn to ERC freeze the bones into that place for that particular morphz( so even when you dial in small percentages it will work correctly, and you can save the bone postion to be used in later files and stuff)...but let us know if you can get the bones into the right place.
OK, thanks, I think I got the bones looking about right using the transfer rigging for shape. I now need to try the " ERC freeze" to lock it to that morph only. Can not see how to do that yet, but as it is very late here (in fact very early) I will call it a day and try tomorrow. Thanks for your help.
awesome progress. tomorrow we can continue. its late here too...
Thanks to larsmidnatt I got the morphs transferred over, and it was pretty easy actually with just a few extra steps needed.
To summarise the morph is created and imported as per the tutorial I listed above. Then the following extra steps:
1) Dial morph to 100%.
2) Activate joint editor
3) Selected Edit-Figure->Rigging->Adjust Rigging to Shape.
4) I clicked Adjust orientation, but I don't know if this was need.
5) Right clicked on the morph in the parameters and selected ERC Freeze. Used default options and pressed Accept.
That is it, below is a render of the V4 shape on G3F with the adjusted rigging. She is looking a lot more human now.
glad to know it worked out for ya.
How do you save and what do you save? or? Does the ERC Freeze save the new rigging into the shape?
You effectively re-rig for the new shape, but then do an ERC Freeze on the individual morph that resets the rig back to normal for the figure, but sets the rig for that morph. Then when you dial in the morph the figure morphs correctly rather than in the first V4 morph I posted above. The procedure works even for relatively extreme morphs like G2M and Zev0 Youth Morph, which reduces G3F to the size of a five year old.
When you ERC Freeze a morph and its setup it doesn't save anything outside the file itself.
However once you Adjust the bones to fit the shape and then ERC freeze that Morph. You can save a "morph asset" (by selecting that morph in the list).
What this does is save the bones to that morph so when you start a new file and dial in the morph, the bones will automatically dial in appropriately.
Saving the morph asset can be done before ERC freeze, but the bones won't know what to do. If you save the morph asset after the ERC freeze all work will be preserved and make life easier in the future when you use the morph in fresh files.
When you ERC Freeze a morph and its setup it doesn't save anything outside the file itself.
However once you Adjust the bones to fit the shape and then ERC freeze that Morph. You can save a "morph asset" (by selecting that morph in the list).
What this does is save the bones to that morph so when you start a new file and dial in the morph, the bones will automatically dial in appropriately.
Saving the morph asset can be done before ERC freeze, but the bones won't know what to do. If you save the morph asset after the ERC freeze all work will be preserved and make life easier in the future when you use the morph in fresh files.
Thanks. It makes sense. This is altering the morph, not the clothing, because autofit transfers the rigging from the fit-to shape.