Well, if it is a new 8.5.x and not something "grand-er" like a 9.x perhaps they're working on the Genesis update some have been expecting. Let's hope there's more in the mill, and there's not another "yawn-er" coming.
I can't imagine another 1+ year public beta for a Genesis update like we had last time....
If G3/V7, which I now own, doesn't work in Carrara 8.5 Pro then I've just wasted money re-joining the Platinum Club and upgrading it and a lot of other content. Carrara was a must have for my Windows system. I use Carrara semi-professionally to design art and animation on web sites. Carrara was easy to learn since I only had to make a few adjustments after spending many years with Lightwave and Imagine among others on my Amiga system which I still use.
DAZ Studio, now 4.8 Pro, has a steep learning curve since I too easily get frustrated with it before starting up Carrara to accomplish what I want quickly. Perhaps if I'd started, year ago, with Studio and had more patience in learning to use it... I'll plug away at it in my spare time.
Earlier figures work just great, such as the mil4 figures, and even though some folks have some issues with Genesis 1 and 2, I haven't run into anything I couldn't figure out yet.
I pretty much have gone completely genesis and genesis 2. That doesn't mean that I don't still use my legacy content for the older figures or their shapes. I have the clones to convert legacy content for use with genesis and genesis 2. I also have the clone morphs to make genesis and genesis 2 look like the legacy figures. Now, even if I intend to use Aiko3 or The Freak or Victoria 4 or David 3 or whatver, I still end up using Genesis or Genesis 2. I found that I can just ignore the protected topology warning for the genesis 2 "actor" level.
Just my personal experiences and preferences. Others report problems that I don't experience.
Yes a few features Carrara seriously needs more than G3F
slice in vertex room
collision modifier
ability to drop in files adding to scene not opening new scene, believe me that is a huge advantage if you have stuff on multiple drives and have to keep browsing
the biggie, vertex and bone animated soft cloth collision
damn iray too if they can swing it with nVidia and sell some more cards for them!
Nurbs, sculpting and shrink wrap while your at it devs and then put it on the front page, V7 etc will be pushed off the best seller top spot for good if you do that and CGsociety might even start suggesting it as a cool 3D software to use.
Wendy - "ability to drop in files adding to scene etc" - I may be misunderstanding what you mean, but if you Import a scene rather than opening it. this is (as I understand what you are saying) exactly what that does!
Wendy - "ability to drop in files adding to scene etc" - I may be misunderstanding what you mean, but if you Import a scene rather than opening it. this is (as I understand what you are saying) exactly what that does!
If you drag and drop from an outside location, for example, a folder with obj files in it, or even car files in it, from windows explorer, it will load that file into a new scene, not import into the current scene.
Wendy - "ability to drop in files adding to scene etc" - I may be misunderstanding what you mean, but if you Import a scene rather than opening it. this is (as I understand what you are saying) exactly what that does!
Yes, I was thinking the same thing when I read the request. I import Carrara files routinely, e.g. a medieval character all morphed, coifed and dressed gets put into the castle scene. But like Phil, I may be missing something.
Fourthed on the import thing (won't bother to write it all out, but I also do that regularly, although not via drag & drop.)
+1 on the slice though, and I'd also like a boolean function that simply does what I want, instead of forcing me to spend an hour trying all the options and still not getting anywhere.
I'd quite like a DS bridge too, and a "Convert to DS instances" button in the surface replicator... (that would have saved me literally weeks of work recently!)
Iray I can leave, cos my Macs only run it in CPU mode. yes it looks pretty, but sometimes life is too short. Maybe one day I'll have the cash for a dedicated Windows box & latest nvidia GPU, but I'm not holding my breath. Come out with "ATIray" and I'll be all over it like a rash!
I do drag and drop in 90% of my programs inc DAZ studio as one can have several explorer windows open and not have to re browse to each thing you want to find be it under file import or in the content library.
also carrara does not tap into windows explorer's view 'recent' files ability - that's a pita
Or use the search tool in explorer Believe Mac call it spotlight
i use that frequently in Poser and DS to locate missing textures etc
If I understand you correctly, we Mac users can use the search function. For example, if I load a figure and Carrara can't find the file, it will pop open an Open File dialogue with the header that Carrara can't locate such and such a file. I just type the listed file into the search box, and away I go.
also carrara does not tap into windows explorer's view 'recent' files ability - that's a pita
Or use the search tool in explorer Believe Mac call it spotlight
i use that frequently in Poser and DS to locate missing textures etc
If I understand you correctly, we Mac users can use the search function. For example, if I load a figure and Carrara can't find the file, it will pop open an Open File dialogue with the header that Carrara can't locate such and such a file. I just type the listed file into the search box, and away I go.
Yes, Procreate is probably my favourite art program on the iPad (and I have a few!). With more power and a bigger screen, I am hoping that there will be more powerful 3D sculpting apps become available too.
I pretty much have gone completely genesis and genesis 2. That doesn't mean that I don't still use my legacy content for the older figures or their shapes. I have the clones to convert legacy content for use with genesis and genesis 2. I also have the clone morphs to make genesis and genesis 2 look like the legacy figures. Now, even if I intend to use Aiko3 or The Freak or Victoria 4 or David 3 or whatver, I still end up using Genesis or Genesis 2. I found that I can just ignore the protected topology warning for the genesis 2 "actor" level. [Cut]
Great! Already have some clones in wishlist and will make sure the clone morphs get added. I've nearly abandoned Genesis and jumped on the Genesis 3 band wagon but not completely given up on Genesis 2 yet. Thanks for giving me hope that all my 3rd and 4th generation content will not go unused.
With the recent addition of Genesis 3, which by all reports, will not work in Carrara, it seems like Daz has lost even more interest in Carrara users. This is reflected in the last two polls they have sent out which I believe did not have Carrara listed as a choice in 'the 'what software do you use' question.
Could that be because they feel we don't buy enough content.?
Yet I am a Carrara user and have 56 pages in my product library!
So my questions to you:
1) How many pages do you have in your product library?
2) What is the primary software that you use with these products?
3) Would you buy Genesis 3 products if they worked in your primary software?.
Hopefully some one intelligent from Daz will sit up and listen.
my answers:
1) 56
2) Carrara
3) Yes
I am up to 60 pages
If my buying had been the same as in previous years it would be 67 pages.
If my buying had been the same as in previous years it would be 67 pages.
I'm still about 49 pages. Out of curiosity, I checked my spending at Renderosity, which still offers Poser format for most new products (works in Carrara). In the 4th Quarter 2015, it was twice my spending at DAZ, pretty much the reverse of earlier periods. Ah, well, looking back at Carrara gets kind of sappy:
Well, if it is a new 8.5.x and not something "grand-er" like a 9.x perhaps they're working on the Genesis update some have been expecting. Let's hope there's more in the mill, and there's not another "yawn-er" coming.
I can't imagine another 1+ year public beta for a Genesis update like we had last time....
I guess we will find out later on...
1 - No pages in account library.
2- Carrara
3- Without a doubt.
If G3/V7, which I now own, doesn't work in Carrara 8.5 Pro then I've just wasted money re-joining the Platinum Club and upgrading it and a lot of other content. Carrara was a must have for my Windows system. I use Carrara semi-professionally to design art and animation on web sites. Carrara was easy to learn since I only had to make a few adjustments after spending many years with Lightwave and Imagine among others on my Amiga system which I still use.
DAZ Studio, now 4.8 Pro, has a steep learning curve since I too easily get frustrated with it before starting up Carrara to accomplish what I want quickly. Perhaps if I'd started, year ago, with Studio and had more patience in learning to use it... I'll plug away at it in my spare time.
I pretty much have gone completely genesis and genesis 2. That doesn't mean that I don't still use my legacy content for the older figures or their shapes. I have the clones to convert legacy content for use with genesis and genesis 2. I also have the clone morphs to make genesis and genesis 2 look like the legacy figures. Now, even if I intend to use Aiko3 or The Freak or Victoria 4 or David 3 or whatver, I still end up using Genesis or Genesis 2. I found that I can just ignore the protected topology warning for the genesis 2 "actor" level.
Just my personal experiences and preferences. Others report problems that I don't experience.
I love your online comic!
Yes a few features Carrara seriously needs more than G3F
Wendy - "ability to drop in files adding to scene etc" - I may be misunderstanding what you mean, but if you Import a scene rather than opening it. this is (as I understand what you are saying) exactly what that does!
If you drag and drop from an outside location, for example, a folder with obj files in it, or even car files in it, from windows explorer, it will load that file into a new scene, not import into the current scene.
Yes, I was thinking the same thing when I read the request. I import Carrara files routinely, e.g. a medieval character all morphed, coifed and dressed gets put into the castle scene. But like Phil, I may be missing something.
Fourthed on the import thing (won't bother to write it all out, but I also do that regularly, although not via drag & drop.)
+1 on the slice though, and I'd also like a boolean function that simply does what I want, instead of forcing me to spend an hour trying all the options and still not getting anywhere.
I'd quite like a DS bridge too, and a "Convert to DS instances" button in the surface replicator... (that would have saved me literally weeks of work recently!)
Iray I can leave, cos my Macs only run it in CPU mode. yes it looks pretty, but sometimes life is too short. Maybe one day I'll have the cash for a dedicated Windows box & latest nvidia GPU, but I'm not holding my breath. Come out with "ATIray" and I'll be all over it like a rash!
I do drag and drop in 90% of my programs inc DAZ studio as one can have several explorer windows open and not have to re browse to each thing you want to find be it under file import or in the content library.
Slice tool has my vote
also carrara does not tap into windows explorer's view 'recent' files ability - that's a pita
Or use the search tool in explorer Believe Mac call it spotlight
i use that frequently in Poser and DS to locate missing textures etc
yes it seems you can
Windoze users lose out here
Gee iPads work bad on this forum, sorry bout that , !
Carrara on the new iPad Pro - that's what we need! (and Zbrush as well...)
just ordered 200 bucks worth of styli from the states to use with my ipad 2, oh well :)
I'll be lining up at the door to get the ipad pro. Have you seen the program procreate (app)?. Amazing.
I think that's what they demonstrated the pen with in the ipad pro demos,
The ipad pro is going to be a blessing for my kind of post work.
Yes, Procreate is probably my favourite art program on the iPad (and I have a few!). With more power and a bigger screen, I am hoping that there will be more powerful 3D sculpting apps become available too.
Awww, thank you!
Great! Already have some clones in wishlist and will make sure the clone morphs get added. I've nearly abandoned Genesis and jumped on the Genesis 3 band wagon but not completely given up on Genesis 2 yet. Thanks for giving me hope that all my 3rd and 4th generation content will not go unused.
John [Carrara Pro user since Eovia days.]
I have use this software before Daz Bought i
spent hundreds of $$$$ on all their software
this is nonsense
up DAZ
1 - 54
2- Daz4.8 because I just bought Carrara in December (not realising DAZ will likely abandon this software) and having my first tries with this software
3- Not-encryptet anytime
86 now
I am up to 60 pages
If my buying had been the same as in previous years it would be 67 pages.
I'm still about 49 pages. Out of curiosity, I checked my spending at Renderosity, which still offers Poser format for most new products (works in Carrara). In the 4th Quarter 2015, it was twice my spending at DAZ, pretty much the reverse of earlier periods. Ah, well, looking back at Carrara gets kind of sappy:
ha ha one look at that face told me it was "Those were the days"
must be getting old.