New Daz Version, old manual

DAZ updated to 4.8 pro, several things changed, it seems. But when I click "help" to go to the user manual it still is the 4.6 manual, thus useless.
Can't find shader mixer, shader baker seems to be something else, how the heck does this work now? Any tutorials ashore?
It this continues, I'll regret having updated.
I'm sure it will be updated soon...
DAZ Soon...
Your great-grandchildren can read it to you in the retirement home when it comes out...
Naa... I'm just joking... We'll all be long dead by then.
Sorry, DAZ... I'm just being mean and cynical... I know you try...
I mean I think I know you try...
I hope.
Work in Progress, but some parts already there
For new features in DAZ Studio Iradium 4.8
This is the new normal. There is absolutely no purpose in writing a manual for software that will change in 6 months. Perhaps we could expect that a manual would come out once the software is stable and replaced by the new version. Unfortunately there is absolutely no purpose in writing manuals for obsolete software either. This philosophy makes program development soooo much easier. :-S
The Band-Aid to this situation is to declare that the new manual is a "Work In Progress", post a few paragraphs describing a few of the less complicated changes and then turn the education process over to the peanut gallery. >:-(
Thanks for the links, chohole. Nor really a manual, but a least some points are explained.
Nevertheless I don't find this good customer service by DAZ. If I get somethinge new (even DAZ Studio is free, I buy in form of content), I need to know how it works. Little bits of explanation don't replace a manual. I lern by reading manuals, if I don't have one, I need at least twice as long to understand something, if ever.