Daz Studio Animation...Keyframes not aligning to imported animation poses...PLS HELP!
Posts: 8
So the head line says it all.
I have an animation that I'm using in Daz, but it doesn't quite fit my characters so I want to alter the poses slightly.
Seems easy enough....except where the poses are in the animation (black chevrons) don't line up with the key frames.....So I can't figure out a way to edit them.
If I move to the next key frame it aligns exactly with the frames in daz, not where the pose has been altered.
Is there a way to fix this?
Thanks in advance for your help.
Please don't refer to the title of the thread, you are asking people for help so provide the necessary information in the body of the post too.
I am not following - the pose will change between keys due to interpolation, are you referring to something else?