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True !
Well now then here are some bad hair Chickens of Mine.
The blue is a Silkie Hen and the other is a Silver Laced Polish Rooster.
Now to see what Chicken with a Genisis 3 Texture whood look like.
Can't seem to edit previous posts anymore ho Icon for it now.
Here is the Pic that did not upload properly.
Here is the symbol of my region...
Chickens and all the animals in the world, be careful of him !
Cow And Chicken?
Wasn't that a cartoon?
Dunno, but cow + chicken = chow...
I have the answer!
Basically, many, many moons ago there was a chicken-like bird. It was genetically close to a chicken, but wasn’t a full-blown chicken yet. Krulwich calls it a proto-chicken. So proto-hen laid an egg, and proto-rooster fertilized it. But when the genes from ma and pa almost-chicken fused, they combined in a new way, creating a mutation that accidently made the baby different from its parents. Although it would take millennia for the difference to be noticed, that egg was different enough to become the official progenitor of a new species, now known as … the chicken! So in a nutshell (or an eggshell, if you like), two birds that weren’t really chickens created a chicken egg, and hence, we have an answer: The egg came first, and then it hatched a chicken.
Maybe the question we should be asking is: Which came first, the proto-chicken or the proto-chicken egg?
Read more:
Well, it does involve procreation, so maybe the pun still works. Instead of cigarettes I should have given them cave-man clubs. ;-)
Actually, it was probably somewhere in Asia that Proto-Colonel Sanders, introduced Proto-man bird to Proto-lady bird, which then resulted in our modern chickens.
sorry, my beautiful daughter just made me a late brunch
egg & bacon
I'm thinking while I'm eating and typing... and she said to me she added cream to the scrambled eggs...
mop & bucket to aisle 4 please
shouldn't that part of the world be in slumberzone by now !!
Here's a little known fact about bovines that I think even Sockratease may not know:
Until a calf is taught to eat grass, they are carnivores- I mean, Cownivores. I had to rescue my wife from one of the vicious little ladies today! That Fe Fe is really bloodthirsty!
All modern chicken trace thier genetic back ground to the red and green jungle fowl from SE Asia.
I always knew Cows could be Evil Bloodthirsty MonstersS
Here's an image I attached last page, but didn't link to full sized, so I'll put it here as Proof!
Nobody's wife would fare well against the Xenomoo!
Yup, Lysergic Diethylamide at that!
Kinda' walked into that one! LOL!
But I thought it was lactic acid. ;-)
That comment made me go looking for an old render I did of The DAZ Cow wearing a Galactus outfit and towering over a city about to eat it (just like in the old Jack Kirby comics!). Called it Galactose Intolerant!
But it is on an old external drive and I have 3 of those all full... Couldn't find it on the first sweep. Will look more later.
But meanwhile, 3DUniverse's Toon Cow got into Cowrarra 8.5!
She put on her Graduation Cap and went off to the Palm Tree scene in the wizard for a vacation. Left me stuck in this Heck Hole
But she sent a vacation picture!
Click attachment for full size
needs more cowbell.................................but sadly
Here is G3F or V7 driving the Mystery Machine looking for mysteriously disappearing threads with Scooby Doo
I think V7 and Scooby have found one of the missing posts....
but I think Scrat has lost his nuts!
Yep, Scooby has found one of the missing posts....
but Rocky is beside himself!................... what have they done to Bullwinkle...
Meanwhile V7 is in the Mystery Machine plugging the co-ordinates into the GPS to find more missing posts... and where is M7 during all this..
Poor Rocky!
and where did Scrat go......
ha ha, yes I like it , missing post :)

OMG... that is hilarious!
I have to admit that this is so funny I am going to leave it here, but I am going to remind people that querying Mod actions in the forums is not allowed, as per the ToS
rutro raggy
missing a chartruse micro bus, got us a convoy