How to Apply 3D Print License to Previously Purchased Content

Per the recent advertising, 3D print licenses for previously purchased content are to be free. How does one apply these licenses to purchased content (especially when one owns hundreds of items)? Or is this license automatically applied to purchases?


  • SofaCitizenSofaCitizen Posts: 1,964

    Currently you have to do it yourself one-by-one but I think they are looking into it.

  • Pantros2Pantros2 Posts: 84

    I have about 10,000 items in my library. Two months isn't enough time to get those into my shopping cart and ordered - not if I did it 10 hours a day every day for two months.

  • pwiecekpwiecek Posts: 1,582

    You may not have to. See Richard Haseltine's comments in this thread:

  • In the meantime you can get some purchased relatively quickly by buying the free license for bundles and the D/S Program as the licenses for all included content will then be applied too.

  • wsterdanwsterdan Posts: 2,418

    Pantros2 said:

    I have about 10,000 items in my library. Two months isn't enough time to get those into my shopping cart and ordered - not if I did it 10 hours a day every day for two months.

    While you wait to see if DAZ can automate this for us, you could start slow and just get the licenses for those items you're actually planning on printing commercially in the next year, or even the next two years. I'm sure that will take you far less time, and then you can sit back and wait a bit to see how it all shakes out, knowing that your next year or two of commercial printing are covered no matter what happens.

    -- Walt Sterdan 

  • pwiecekpwiecek Posts: 1,582

    Catherine3678ab said:

    In the meantime you can get some purchased relatively quickly by buying the free license for bundles and the D/S Program as the licenses for all included content will then be applied too.

    Where do you find the license for Daz studio? I have already purchased a license for every iteration of starter essentials. Does that accomplish the same thing, or at least most of it. 

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