where do i have to go to shop for new g2m clothes and characters?

where do i have to go to shop for new g2m clothes and characters? David5?
mebbe even some new carrara content?
are there content stores in the U.K. or Oz, or Canada, or generally English language stores? (that take american visa card)
thanks :)
As the kids say, ^^^ this.
Can't you shop for all that here?
Me thinks Misty is subtly hinting on the fact that most of the releases in the recent past have been female...
I think they were commenting on NEW stuff. Carrara, new G2M stuff and They still love David 5.
Not sure they could do that here.
Men's new releases are few and far between here in Daz-topia.
I am hoping for a gen3 male conversion similar to Nalin- At least until the gen 2 male base is released.
Did appreciate Ryder though, and the retro space suit. Those were great.
For Genesis 1 stuff there is only really here. A few items scattered around elsewhere but not that much. For Genesis 2 there is more on other stores (well 1 other store in particular).
a pose set this week included g2m