Good HD crowd for boxing fights and MMA

Hey everyone :)
Any one have some good advice for crowd for MMA matches and boxing matches?
I want to make some crowds and not make it empty , Thanks! :D


  • felisfelis Posts: 4,688

    There are some billboards in the store that might fit, such as

    You mentioned HD crowd. Unless you have a GPU with huge amounts of VRAM, I will suggest to go with the lowest possible resolution and simplified textures, if you not are using billboards.

    You can also do your render in phases, so you render different parts individually and then composit it in an image editor.

    Some people are using Lores and Loretta (low resolution figures) for crowd purposes.

  • felis said:

    There are some billboards in the store that might fit, such as

    You mentioned HD crowd. Unless you have a GPU with huge amounts of VRAM, I will suggest to go with the lowest possible resolution and simplified textures, if you not are using billboards.

    You can also do your render in phases, so you render different parts individually and then composit it in an image editor.

    Some people are using Lores and Loretta (low resolution figures) for crowd purposes.

    Yes I saw this one but maybe have some standing crowd that good and cheering you know?
    And about my GPU I have 3080 TI boost ASUS TUF gaming 12GB and 64 RAM.
    I was use my own models but its hard all the time to put outfit and stuff like that also I dont have to many models and they like 5 in the background I need more

  • felisfelis Posts: 4,688

    They are a little low on enthusiastic audience.

    You could maybe use some from here



  • felis said:

    They are a little low on enthusiastic audience.

    You could maybe use some from here



    They looks great thanks , The shame is they not looks so cheering more like dancing hehe but I may use some of them. Wish could find some hd crowd chiring hehe :) 

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