V7 and Lray shaders in Luxrender

Just bought V7 and began to play with luxrender. But I got weird renders, that I do not know how to correct.
First, I begun to render a figure with Lray shaders. Turns out that "cut out opacity" for eyes lashes and hair, are not correctly rendered with luxrender.
Then I shaded my figure with 3delight materials. Seems quite OK, but hair is still strange, and clothes are melting with the skin.
Now I Wonder: Is luxrender able to correctly interpret lray shaders and what should I do to have good results, or should I wait for an upgrade of the plug in ?
Thanks for your answers.
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Post edited by Ichtos on
Stick with the 3delight shaders when using reality and Luxrender since it was designed with those in mind. As for V7, she has some different material setups and zones that are not part of reality (yet) so you will have to play with those manually.