M4 Skins Batch converter

I bought this. But where do I find it? How do I use it? It's a script, I guess. I have looked for a help document, but I can't seem to find one. I can't one. I can find where DIM installed the files. There are files under scripts and runtime/support, but I'm still lost.
I found something called Script IDE, but I think you use that to create scripts.
Well, I found out how to run the script. There is a script folder and inside there was an icon for this product. When you double click on it, a panel opens. You are suppose to click on a button and select a folder that you want to convert. I selected a Mec4 folder that had 3 subfolders with M4 textures. Then I clicked on convert. It started running, but it seemed like it was running too long, and I saw file names about hair and I even think Vicki. I tried to stop the script. But there didn't seem to be a way to do that. I shut down Daz Studio and the script was still running, so I shut off my computer.
I tried it again, but this time I tried to select just one of the body textures, however when I picked one, nothing was added to the window. Am I suppose to be selecting one of the material preset or am I suppose to be selecting the actual texture file. Or am I suppose to be picking something else. In the folder I tried to select, there were png and mc6 files. Since nothing was selected, I guess I was suppose to select those.
It really seems like it was easier just to do the conversion manually...one at a time.
The script convert Material Preset files .ds, .dsa, .dsb, .pz2... You can select a folder (and it's subfolders to convert) or just one Material Preset. When the window pops up for selecting one material preset, you will see the thumbnail (.png) file to select from.
Yes it takes awhile to convert the Material Presets, and also takes up memory, since DAZ Studio does not clear out it's memory completely after each load of a Material Preset.
As for seeing 'Hair' or some other name in the list... The script grabs everything in a folder, and then checks to see if the file is a material preset before processing it... The script can only verify if it is a material preset, and not what it is for, and will try to convert all material presets... That's why you can "Delete Selected From List". If you look at the list before processing and see that a file in the list is obviously (to a human) a file you don't want to convert, you can delete it from the list.
I hope this helps
I checked all all the files in the Mec4 folder for M4 characters were mc6 files. I suppose that is why they didn't work. From you list it appears that mc6 are not supported. Not sure what an mc6 file is. When you apply them, they apply a texture as well they appear to morph the character.
Since these were not the right file type, I'm not sure if the script was doing anything or just stuck in a loop. It was running, it kept deleting and loading the character. I would see some numbers that I think were the files to process. It was greater than a thousand, but there weren't that many files in the folder I selected. I did see the word hair and other things too, but it was changing so fast, it's hard to be sure of anything.
I was going to trying it again on just one file in this folder...a body texture...but when I tried to load it nothing was added to the panel.
I'll try it again on some other material (pose) that has the right extension. (I say material...pose, because some are in the material folder and others are in the pose folder.)