Having a problem with relative and absolute texture paths

Ok, in order to share an item of clothing I have created for daz studio On a flash drive I created a folder inside the folder i have these folders data, People and Runtime. The part I'm having an issue with is the textures that are stored in the runtime folder. I put the textures used for the item in the propper folder and textured the item using that folder in DAZ Studio. Saved the clothing to the propper folder on the same flash drive and zipped the main folder. the person recieving the file installed it and the model loads fine, but the textures are showing the flash drive in my computer as the absolute path. As far as i can tell I haven't changed anything. I have shared other items the same way but they all work propperly. Why would it suddenly start making the texture path absolute to the flash drive? I'm out of Ideas and havent found a toutorial that I can follow that dealsa with this exact problem. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  • felisfelis Posts: 4,688

    Is the Runtime path where you have stored it, part of the paths in Daz Stidio?

    If not it will use an absolute path.

  • Note that the textures have to be in the relative path location before being applied.

  • so, as long as the directory is added to my content library the paths should be correct when i share it?

  • I think I forgot to link it to my Daz Library before saving the file. I remember doing that on a couple of other items, but I'm pretty sure I got ahead of myself and forgot that part. It has been a rough day. lol Thank you for your assistance. I will make sure that happens first from now on


  • Problem solved!!! Thank you both

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