Crude way to get G2F "skin" onto G3F

Not really a solution, just a recycled idea from the days when people wanted to put Generation 3 skins onto Genesis.
Basically apply a G2F character as if it is a piece of clothing and auto fit as a body suit. Then hide G3F (but obviously not the G2F conforming item). Then put whatever skin you want onto the G2F "clothing". The attached image shows V7 with G2F Nidale's skin. Bends like G3F but comes with some major downsides. Do not try to open the mouth, it looks awful, and the expressions do not work very well, which sort of defeats the point of using G3F in the first pace.
All the same might work for a background figure that you would want to bend like Genesis 3.

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Still good workaround, thank you.