Power Pose is only twisting, no bend

lordofthetrancelordofthetrance Posts: 22
edited August 2022 in Daz Studio Discussion

Just finding that in the power pose section, anything I drag on, be it left mouse, up down, right mouse, all just does one thing like a twist. No bend. In the hand posing for example, everything I do just bends the thumb, but no other movement. For arms, they only twist.

Update: actually it's the whole figure in general. Seems each body part will only do one movement in one axis.

Post edited by lordofthetrance on


  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872

    What version of Daz Studio? What character? Did you install the corresponding PowerPose Templates?

    Power Pose works correctly for me in DS Public Build (beta) with Genesis 8 Female.

    Screenshot 2022-08-10 122902.jpg
    1092 x 1581 - 119K
  • lordofthetrancelordofthetrance Posts: 22
    edited August 2022

    It's 4.20 pro and with the Dragonsbane figure.

    Also, even in regular posing using the universal tool, sometimes one of the axis is greyed out in the top left circle thingy


    Post edited by lordofthetrance on
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872

    I don't own that character to test it. It is a Genesisi 3 character, isn't it? I did my tests above with Genesis 8.

    I see problems like you are reporting with PowerPose on my base G3M. Some areas bend, like the wrist, but I cannot get the forearm to bend. I also noticed that when I click the forearm dot on the PowerPose pane, it selects the left or right forearm twist bone in the Scene pane. Only the tiwst part of that top left circle thingy is active. If I manually select the left or right forearm bend bone in the Scene pnae, the circle thingy allows both bend and twist. Shoulders and thighs have the same twist bone problem.

    So, I thiink something is broken in Genesis 3 PowerPose causing it to select twist bones instead of bend bones. sad

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872

    Here is an interesting thread about PowerPose with Genesis 3.

  • NorthOf45NorthOf45 Posts: 5,554

    I don't use PowerPose very much, but playing around with it, there is an Edit Mode (right-click to enable it). You then have access to Edit Point and Delete Point by right-clicking on a dot. In the Edit Point dialog, you can change either of the following (you only need access to one of the nodes because you can get to both bend and twist from either one):

    1) Change the bone used (i.e., Left Forearm Twist to Left Forearm Bend) and the name displayed. I changed it to whatever-Bend, and you get the bend functionality along with the twist (which is what the Bend node provides by default, or a fortuitous order of the transforms), or,

    2) Change the Control. RIght-Click next to the mouse movement icon and select Edit Control. For example, the forearm Twist node's effective Bend transform is actually an alias (YRotate2) to the Bend node's Bend transform. Likewise, the Bend Node's effective Twist transform is an alias (XRotate2) to the Twist node's Twist transform. Point the control to the proper transform and you will get the functionality you want.

    I guess the best way is to rename the dot without the twist or bend (to avoid confusion), and use a proper set of transforms for the controls. You can also add points, like for Lower Chest and Lower Abdomen, or any other missing joints, and add the transforms to the mouse actions. (Don't navigate away from the current template, or you lose the changes. Save and save often. If you use your main library path from the selections provided in the dialog, the template will get saved in the \data\DAZ 3D\Genesis 3\Female\Tools\PowerPose folder. It will load automatically the next time.)

    Genesis 3 introduced the Twist and Bend bones on the shoulders, forearms and thighs (and the Upper/Lower split on Neck, Chest and Abdomen), so I guess the generic template defaults to the Twist (or Upper), ignoring the Bend (or Lower). The toes need a change to use the proper node (Right Big Toe_2 ?, Right Small Toe 1_2 ??) There is a FACS product that will work with the Face Rig.

    So, once you do that, you can save the changes from the Template Set drop-down list (Save As... only in Edit Mode). Or try the solution discussed in Barbult's link (I was writing this when she posted her message). I guess that after seven years, I wouldn't hold on to much hope of getting an official version, but is seems simple enough to make something useful yourself. (Okay, it might take a couple of hours to get it all done properly, but, hey, time I've got. Now, I've just committed myself to doing it).


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