Say cheese, G3F -- or, The Recipe for a Good Smile

I'm having so much fun with the G3F base. I have purchased no content for her, but I'm still able to make some pretty awesome, subtle, and realistically asymmetrical expressions with the new face rig. That being said, does anyone have any recipes for convincing smiles that DON'T use commercial expressions??? I find it much easier to make negative expressions [see below] than positive ones!

500 x 534 - 53K
That looks good. The thing I'm trying to work out is whether moving one part of the face affects the other. When I make the expression she is making in the mirror, I notice that my nostrils move. I can't quite tell if hers have moved or not. It will be nice if all the areas of the face drive each other. If they don't she'll look like she's had too much botox.
I had a little play and I came up with this:
Cheek Eye Flex: 12.9%
Cheek Flex: 30.1%
Cheeks Dimple Crease HD: 14%
Mouth Corner Back: 53.4%
Mouth Corner Up Down: 50.9%
Mouth Narrow: -37.4%
Mouth Smile: 53.4%
Lips Part: 54.6%
Nostrils Flare: 37.8%
Below is the result
Hey Roger -- thanks for the recipe. I'm going to try it out now and see how big a grin I can make before it starts looking scary....
In answer to your question, bones in the facial rig can be moved individually without affecting other bones along with them. That's why, for the expressions I'm making, I start out with existing controls on the G3F base -- Smile Simple, Lips Part, visemes, etc. -- and then, once I have the basic shape, add some more expressiveness with individual bone movements.
No worries,
What I was actually after was that, if say you move the mouth, if rigged right, that movement should then also move part of the nose in conjunction with it. The way my face did when I described doing the expression you made in the mirror. It's the way a lot of facial rigs are done for professional CG, a good example is King Kong. When Andy Serkis made a face, Kong's face would correspond to it without anyone having to dial in each part of the expression.
I've seen there is a nose wrinkle morph, but, as far as I can tell it doesn't wrinkle the nose the way a cute girl's does when she does a certain look, I think you know what I mean. Also, the forehead doesn't wrinkle when the brows are raised. As I said, too much Botox. When I read about G3 expressions, what I've been talking about was what I hoped we'd get, but, it doesn't seem that way. Maybe someone will make a set of HD morphs that will do all that, we'll just have to see....
Interesting, I will have to give this a try...I found it interesting that smiling seems to move the mouth up when playing with the sliders myself.
Are you the same ModernWizard from ShareCG? If so thanks for the heads morphs. I'm just about to install them...
I feel very fun to tweaking G3F head.
it is not only useful for head expression, also very powerful to make new face, or more customize
to ideal face shape.
(though we may better, after tweaking head shape by face rigs,
export current sahpe then re-import by morph loader,
then adjust rigging to shape,, then fix tweaked base rigs for zero poze.,with erc freeze.
or you may add sahpe controller, which actually cahnge rig translation rotaion, (not base rig position orientation)
as same as pose controller but save as type =Modifier/shape
then you can use the controller as new shape controller
not effected by zero pose, or other pose or exoression preset.
I am thinking now,, if we can choose more variety rigs for gen3female?
that means daz or vendor offer another unique rig sets to tweak shape and pose,
with same base shape.
some rigs may add more facial bone, some rig set may offer more detail body bone
to tweak shape only etc.. or it can have bone for hair + pony tail,,
(last year, I play skyrim mod much,, then there were many customize rigs which can use for same base mesh,,
now daz decide general weight , I think we can choose rig for each purpose about same bese mesh figure,,
I hope so,, after all, only two or three rig sets may be popular for most of user,,
but usually they can use preset or clothing of base rig (which daz offere) + mesh without problem.
Sounds feasible. We'll just have to wait and see what the PA's come up with.
In V4, The problem was that the smiles were created for the default face, but most really pretty characters had chins that were much narrower than the default, so big broad smiles that looked great on the stock V4 break most popular characters.
If you are designing smiles test them on a character with a narrow face. Better yet, give us smiles that were specifically designed to be used on a narrow face.
I did a smile set for V4 that worked well on any face. It's still on ShareCG as far as I know.
Remember I thought that V7 was a bit unexpressive when it came to forehead wrinkles and the like, well, the morphs for these are HD morphs. Dial them to 100%, turn the SubD to 4 and presto, you get a fully expressive V7.
I can only do it with G3F's mouth right now, but, there is a difference there