Creature Creator

I was wondering if anyone who has it working can get a juivinial looking Michael with the cat paws and tail up and loaded and exported for Manga Studio?
So far I haven't had any luck with this and I'm kind of at wits end. No idea how to use the damn thing.
What format does Manga Studio need? It would not be permissible to create and share a 3D model - what could be shared would be a set of presets that you could apply in DAZ Studio (or Poser) to make your own model for export. If you need 2D image formats then it might be an idea to provide a bit more detail about the necessary set-up and format.
You can import FBX format into Manga Studio. I’m not sure about geo-graphed parts. Importing into MS has been discussed many times in the Manga Studio forum.
I'm so frustrated with this crap though.
You can try out this video instruction. Looks pretty simple. Export --> FBX --> Import to Manga Studio
Is your problem creating the thing you want, in DAZ Studio or Poser, or is it getting it out of the creation application and into Mange Studio?
I have no idea how to get autofitter to work.
I have no idea how to fix this.
Someone help?
What am I doing wrong?
This is Michael 4, right? If so, just conform the creature creator M4 parts to him. Like you would clothing.
Make sure you have M4 selected in the scene before you apply the creature creator part. In this way the part will conform and hide his legs, etc.
Tried that, tried about a bunch of other things too. I am frustrated.
Did you apply Poser Formats>My DAZ 3d Library>Pose>DAZ's Michael 4>Add-Ons>Creature Creator>!Prep M4 Legs.pz2 from the Content Library pane, assuming this is DAZ Studio and you used the default paths, to Michael 4?
That worked.