Blender Grab/Move Sculpt

Yesterday I was trying to morph a shirt in Blender using the sculpting brushes. I needed to move the left side of the shirt without moving the right. When I used to have access to ZBrush, this was trivial because there was a brush called "Move Topological" which would let me do just that.
I find that Blender brushes are quite similar to ZBrush but I can't find the equivalent to Move Topological. Google searched keep pointing me towards Dynamic Topology but, if I understand this correctly, it will break the "don't change the vertex count" rule. I have not used Proportional Edit so I don't know whether that might be the answer. Blender is confusing with all the different modes, hot keys and switches so sometimes, when I experiment, I get so lost I have to factory default and start over.
on sculpt tab
symmetry lock mirror : uncheck all
should do it
I don't think I'm talking about symmetry. That mirrors actions on the opposite side of the mesh. This short video explains the Move Topological brush in ZBrush. I'm looking for a similar feature in Blender.
As far as I know, no, there isn't an equivalent...yet. There may be one floating around, somewhere, but I haven't seen it.
Blender sculpting is getting additions/new features often.
But, by turning off all symmetry (which is what menotyou was saying) you limit the brush action to just the area you are working on and it won't be mirrored to the other side.
Yes - I normally work with symmetry off. I'm not at that computer right now but I'm pretty sure I saw a mask brush. Perhaps I can mask areas I don't want to be affected.
EDIT: This is masking ...
Yes - I normally work with symmetry off. I'm not at that computer right now but I'm pretty sure I saw a mask brush. Perhaps I can mask areas I don't want to be affected.
EDIT: This is masking ...
Masking works pretty well...
Also, if you go into Edit mode, select a bunch of stuff you don't want to be affected, then hide it (h), then switch over to sculpting it should be still be hidden and not affected by the sculpt brush.
So Edit mode is how I get to select polygons/vertices? In Zbrush you can see them as you sculpt but in Blender the surface is smooth.
So Edit mode is how I get to select polygons/vertices? In Zbrush you can see them as you sculpt but in Blender the surface is smooth.
I wish Blender had a wire/solid or wire/texture shaded mode, but it doesn' yeah, Edit mode gives you the vertex/face view.