Dynamic Clothing Control Plug In ?

Found this item today - http://www.daz3d.com/ds-dynamic-clothing-mastery
And it refers to the Dynamic Clothing Control Plug In which has me confused. I recall that there was a dyn. clothes function back in the days of DAZ3. I used it very little because it was heavy on my runtime and never turned out that amazing. But these days? In DAZ 4? Is there such a plugin around, and if so, where can I find it?
This refers to the same plugin as back then. It has been regularly updated and still works fine. The basic version comes with DAZ Studio, the advanced version is here: http://www.daz3d.com/dynamic-clothing-control
If you bought the advanced control back then, you can find it in your downloads and the serial number is in your account.
The tutorial is refering to this plug-in
you can go the windows/panes drop down menu inside daz studio, and open the dynamic cloth one. You'll need to have something from optitex installed- but you're in luck, there's a lot of freebies. :)
it's totally worth learning to use the daz optitex dynamic clothing plugin, i use it a lot. Because using an animated drape and the simple tricks, I can make the same clothes fit many figures. my 2 images with V7, for example, use the V4 dynamic clothes :) doesn't matter to me, generally, what shape its for.
There are several threads that discuss the plug-in, and some you tube videos about using it, should you not wish to spend 30+ dollars on a tutorial about it.
Yes - found it!
Now I'll see if I can recall how it worked ;-)