Genesis and Iray

Been reading up on and playing around with IRAY since getting the latest daz, and it blows me away. But all the info I'm seeing in the forums is about G2. I had a huge V4 library and so I worked extensively with the original Genesis and never really "upgraded" to G2; all my characters and work would be lost if I did.
So, with that in mind, are there any tips and good settings for using original Genesis with IRAY? Will the skin shader work, or is there a generic version that doesnt have to be used on G2?
I was just trying to transfer the Iray settings from G2 to G1. It works and can be done manually. The only issue that I had is that G1 has less surfaces then G2. One is the "ears" surface which isn't a problem because in G1 it's fused with the "head" surface. The biggest issue is the "eye reflection" surface which is not present in G1. This surface is one of the most important surfaces in Iray because it gives a real look to the eyes. I wouldn't know how to get around it with G1.
Wait a Minute! I just came up with an idea which is worth a try. I don't have time tonight but I will try tomorrow. I will try adding a geometry shell to G1 and apply the "eye reflection" shader there, hiding all other surfaces. Mayby it works, I'll let you know.
I gave a quick try, it works also without the "reflection" shader. But it does look a bit better with the geometry shell added.
There is a product in the store to help with that:
I made some of my own presets based on testing settings around the forum. For eyes, I did the thin water preset on the cornea and sclera, then turned refraction on the cornea to zero, making it solid again.