UltraSceneryXT rendering in 3DL

drucdruc Posts: 420


I recently purchased UltraScene XT. It said on the promo page "Daz Studio 3Delight Material Presets (.DUF)". I was a little surprised as UltraScernery is Iray only, although it will convert using https://www.daz3d.com/rssy-iray-to-3delight-converter-and-merchant-resource. ;

I have tried to render in 3DL and it doesn't work. My PC is 10 years old and takes too long to render in Iray. I tried a test of UltrasceneryXT with low instances of trees. 30 cycles took 2 hours 45 minutes. There was nothing else in the scene not even a sky dome. If I try to add anything else it can blow the render time (based on Ultrascenery) more than 2 and a half days. That was one pretty much default settings and one G8 character.

Is there a way to render in 3DL? There is nothing to convert as it renders from memory (or file location that is chosen when running the script.)


Post edited by Richard Haseltine on


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