Adding Ghost Bones to Skirts for G3F

Why when I add ghost bones to skirts for G3F does the skirt still follow the leg pose?
I can move the skirt using the ghost bones but I just wondered what difference there is between G2F and G3F, apart from the two thigh bones, as this doesn't happen when I add them to G2F skirts.
Post edited by Wilmap on
In G3F there are also two thigh bones (Bend and Twist). If you disassociated the skirt from one thigh bone the second still might be rigged to it. Just a though, I haven't yet tested the idea.
Do you still have the leg bones? Have you cleared their weight maps, or made sure the handles are 100% between them? Is weight normalisation on or not (in Tool settings - it's what makes sure that all the weights for a particular axis add up to 100%)?
2 thigh bones? 1 for bend 1 for twist?
can we do that for aiko3?
what about scaling? which bone controls the scaling parameters?
They both control scaling, twist in lower thigh, bend in upper thigh
No leg bones, just left and right Skirt handles. Weight normalisation is set to Auto.
oh, they not overlapping? was imagining the hip with 2 thigh siblings controlling the same geometry
I'm not getting that behaviour.
Have a skirt with just one ghost bones, attached to pelvis, all leg bones removed. As it can be seen, it doesn't follow legs. Pelvis bone in skirt still influences the general position but you can manually rotate it as you wish.
First picture with ghost bone not moved, second picture is with ghost bone variously rotated to adjust for legs position, skirt bones setup.
I have two related questions:
1) While there are no influences from hip bones, pelvis and ghost bone weighs are supposed to be normalized, and there are no leg bones at all, sometimes I'm getting a slight bulge in shins in some positions when pelvis is rotated with a pose as if shin bones still influence the skirt. I wonder why is that.
2) Also, let say I want to add a child ghost bone to main ghost bone so it could influence only lower legs with additional rotations (kind of like old poser setups had, as it was very useful). But when I do it with normalization turned off, it distorts/balloons the lower part of the skirt in the area of its influence. I guess this is because normalization is off and weights from main ghost bone and child ghost bones are adding together but if I turn all normalizations on, main ghost bone doesn't behave well with conjunction with child ghost bone at all.
Is there some options in weight brush maybe that would allow to prevent this ballooning from child ghost bone while still allowing it to influence rotations like it was in old poser cr2 setups?
Nope, one is a child of another which is a child of pelvis bone in its turn.
All and all, aside of all those weird bulges, ghost handle seems to work rather well.
I haven't tried to add side ghost bones yet though.
I managed to get the skirt to work - after starting again with the ghost bones.
Now however when I reload the skirt, it follows the leg pose again!!
This is silly. I must be doing something stupid. Why else would it work before saving it, but not afterwards?
Was it the first time you saved that item, or was it saved with the "follow the legs" rigging first?