SOLVED Question about Interceptor Hover Bike

I own this set:
There appears to be some little floating bot included in the set, but I'm not seeing it. It isn't in my product view.
Can someone tell me where it is located?
I could certainly use it.

500 x 650 - 50K
Post edited by Serene Night on
Load the Bike and in the Scene Pane, expand the root node and look for droneFC...there is your drone. :)
Very cool! Thanks!
Uh, too bad it is permanently part of the bike. That looks useful for other scenes.
Load the bike again, raise the drone up high
Select the Geometry Editor Tool (GET)
Right Click on the bike
From the GET menu choose Selection Mode > Marquee Selection
With the left mouse button draw a rectangle around the drone to select the whole Drone.
Right Click to bring up the GET menu again and choose Geometry Selection > Invert Selection
Right Click and in the Geometry Visibility choose Hide Selected Polygon(s)
Right Click and this time choose Geometry Editing > Delete Hidden Polygon(s)
Then save the leftovers as a Scene Subset as the image below shows. :)