How do I make this look like the promos?

Hi! I'm very new to Carrara and I thought I'd start with premade scenes. I picked up the World Gardens Maze by Howie Farkes, but I can't get the azaleas to look like azaleas, I just get green shrubs. What setting am I missing? Thanks for your help.

Carrara screenshot.jpg
1616 x 912 - 334K
Post edited by jhogenboom_da69c035a9 on
My only guess would be to try the "Custom Leaf Objects - Azalea Flower" listed with the product. The complete scene file may have somehow left these out.
Thanks. This shows how very new I am. Daz Install Manager has put the file here: /Data/World Gardens/Maze/
How do I get at it? I tried the content tab on the browser, but I don't see anything to open.
Carrara very fussy about leaf location and will load the default leaf without a whimper if they are not where it expects them, DIM is particularly bad at putting them where Carrara doesn't look, I end up searching the installed files and finding them and replacing them manually
All the files of the original Data-folder needs be placed in the /Data/Plants/World Gardens/Maze/ folder located within the application-folder.
After you have done that open the original unchanged scene-file. If you have opened and saved the original scene file eariier Carrara will have replaced all the leave reference, that it can not find, with the default leave. A simple green one.
I don't know, but the other folks here have good advice. I do not as a rule use DIM, but download the products to my own folder, then use that folder to load products. I have always been able to find and load *.car files.
Ooo. Look at that! It's magic! Thanks RuudL and everybody.
Nicely done!
Welcome to Carrara.