Trying To Find A Genesis 1 Product I Think I Saw In The Store A While Back

Going through the Genesis 1 products that are on sale, I added Sirena ( for V5 to my cart, but I seem to remember that there was a male counterpart in the store at one point. Was there, or is my mind playing tricks on me? I'm not seeing it in the store now; I seem to recall the name was similar, but I don't recall exactly what it was.
I think so, can't remember the name, I bought it for the bluish skin tone but returned it because it didn't actually have that tone, it was just the lighting in the promos.
Could you be thinking of Nadia and Nalin?
It was "Sirano M5", but he doesn't seem to be in the store any more.
No, it's the one fixmypcmike mentioned; I recognize the name now. Oh well, I'll just pick up the female character. If the prices in my cart quit changing.