Daz 5 Physics Engine and 64 Bit Lyp Sync?

Not sure where to put this, but was wondering if anyone has suggested a physics engine where we can make clothing and hair dynamic like they have in iCone 6? Also hoping that if we are moving to 64 bit only, that we will have a lyp sync option for voice animation...?
Physics is something everybody wants but we´ll just have to wait and see : )
Don´t know anything about lip sync, I recently wanted to animate a dialogue by hand but there seems to be an issue with keyframes which is a shame.
You can add audio to the animate timeline but you can't view the waveform from what I remember. I've done it before but it's not a great workflow. gav
I don´t know how to import audio, DS doesnt see my wav files but more important issue I´m having is with expressions that are keyed on a certain frame bleeding over to other frames as well.
It's not a DS thing, you need to have animate installed then add audio block then dedicate another block for the lip sync. It's a bit painful to work with.
I dont think I have it, I have only the basic animate that comes with DS.
its a plugin from http://www.gofigure3d.com/
I see, thanks. The link to daz store does not seem to work though but I assume its not free is it?
Yeah. in all the other DAZ versions the lyp sync was in the 32 bit version and they even had MIMIC ( which I liked) and MIMC LIVE which wasn't useful at all (it fed back at all levels and didn't really make sense as a product for animators as it was difficult to save the wav files). I hope of they don't provide lyp sync that they will at least provide updated versions of regular Mimic...
And physics would be all kinds of awesome...
Yeah I tried using phenome when MIMIC was off just a bit --and it was very time consumptive. Holding my breath to see what 5's options are--have they given an anticipated date for DAZ 5 release? is DAZ 4.8 Pretty much what DAZ 4.8 Public is?
I think that physics may be on the horizon if I read my technologies correctly. Iray is Nvidia's render engine, but Nvidia also makes a physics engine called Physx which also has a cloth component Apex. I've been following the technology for years in the hopes we'd get something good like this. Of course I can't really speak to DAZ's development plans, but I would think that implementing the Iray render Engine will mean we'll see at least some of these other technologies take shape in like DAZ Studio 5 or something like that. It would make sense to use a common set of technologies than to put together a hodgepodge of systems like trying to implement Bullet physics or something like that. If they do, they will definitely have a customer --right now the only reason I even have Iclone 6 is because you can get DAZ Genesis 2 to have hair and cloth dynamics of some kind. If they implement it natively, then I'm onboard.
Yep -- me too...If Daz developed a physix engine I would use the platform again--right now I use Icone for my Gen 2 animations primarily because of the bullet physicsand dynamics -- it really adds something to a scene when the hair and cloth can move realistically....hopefully they don't have some kind of contract with iClone that prohibits them from doing this though. Sometimes companies make deals with these kinds of stipualtions in them when they work together cross platform...
I don't think that's the case. Personally, I think they do have this in the pipleline. It's a shrewd move that would literally blow the doors off of anyone else. In my opinion, DAZ has the best figure models, but they've always been behind in other areas. I think Iray is their attempt to catch up. 3Delight is a wonderful renderer, but it's really a big studio tool that's been stripped down for DAZ. Iray I think is a better fit for them which opens the door for a lot of other technologies. I wouldn't be surprised if we see Physics and Dynamic clothing come to DAZ Studio with DAZ Studio 5. I'm cautiously optimistic. For what I do, I'm more interested in developing the animations in DAZ studio and then doing something like Allembic Exports to Modo or Cinema 4D where I can utilize Dynamic hair and physics. I didn't really care for the load times with Genesis1/2 Figures in Carrara. I think they should have developed an import routine that allows you to select to import only the JCM and Facial Expression Morphs instead of every morph you have each time you import a figure from DAZ. I may go back and try again, but if Physics, and Cloth are coming to DAZ Studio, then what's the point of learning anything else? At this point, I can keep myself busy with earning enough to buy my second video card and SLI ready motherboard, that way if it does happen I'll be ready to take full advantage of it.
A hearty hear hear and I couldn't agree with you more. I actually tried experimenting with Hairworks to see if I could somehow utilize it, but so far no luck. Frustrating to say the least,
Ah SLI--does IRay utilize it? I read up on it and there seems to be confliciting reports on the ability to use two cards with it -- esp., if the two cards are incompatible. I have an old 600 series Nvidia and a 970...not sure if I could use both to increase render speeds...
You can use multiple graphics cards but you should not use SLI for Iray.
Does it compile them to increase render speeds...? What about RAM--thank you for your help :-)
RAM isn't, unfortunately, pooled so only cards which can hold the whole sceen will participate - but yes, all the cards that can will share in the rendering load to reduce the tiem taken overall.
That is awesome...thank you :-)