Rebuilding graphics rig… hard drive thoughts?

I am looking at either the Western Digital black or the red. I know the red is a NAS drive as I run them in all of my NAS devices. Question... any reason NOT to use it for my Daz stuff? The red appears to have the same speed as black but with higher storage capacity and a larger buffer. What am I missing?


  • JVRendererJVRenderer Posts: 661

    I use a WD Black nVMe drive for my main apps DS, photoshope etc.

    For content, I use 2 x 8tb Western Digital Gold.  I've been running them for 4 yrs now with 0 issues


  • mcclainacg said:

    I am looking at either the Western Digital black or the red. I know the red is a NAS drive as I run them in all of my NAS devices. Question... any reason NOT to use it for my Daz stuff? The red appears to have the same speed as black but with higher storage capacity and a larger buffer. What am I missing?

    What kind of drive(s) do you have now?  What drive capacities are you looking at for your upgrade?

  • NAS drives do have a bit of 'special sauce' in their firmware that doesn't always work well with consumer desktops.

    The worst case is when it incorrectly reports bad sectors, which can lead to data loss.

    I wouldn't suggest using them in a consumer desktop, unless routed through a RAID card.


    I will point out that there are 3 different flavors of 'red' drives, and they are not all created equal.

    'Red' are slower, 5400 rpm, 256 MB cache, use SMR(Shingled magnetic recording, avoid this like the plague if you don't know what it is), only have a 3 year warranty and max at 6TB.

    'Red plus', vary depending on capacity. 8TB or lower are slower, 5400/5640rpm, 128MB cache(64MB on 1TB). 10TB and up, goes to 7200 RPM and 256MB cache. Still only a 3 year warranty, but max at 14TB and are CMR(conventional Magnetic Recording, aka 'normal')

    'Red Pro', These are closer to blacks in specs, other than having a higher maximum capacity(22TB) and higher cache in the bigger, 14TB and up, at 512MB. They do have a 5 year warranty comparable to blacks.


    'Red' and 'red plus', are generally cheaper than blacks, while 'red pro' is more expensive, at the same capacities.

    6TB: red:$120(110 on sale), red plus:$135($120 on sale), red pro:$210($200), black(128MB cache, 256MB isn't available on WD site):$200($145 on sale).

    (using the 6TB models for comparison, as that's max capacity for the 'red' model)


    I'll also point out that cost to capacity isn't linear, especially above 8TB.

    And, WD is being weird with their pricing right now, as a 16TB(red pro) costs less than a 14TB(red pro), 299.99 vs 329.99 respectivel.






















  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715

    I only use SSDs for general use; I do, however, back up to mechanical.


  • namffuaknamffuak Posts: 4,191

    nicstt said:

    I only use SSDs for general use; I do, however, back up to mechanical.


    SSDs for internal drives, 4 TB usb externals for backups. (Two alternating sets of externals).

  • oddboboddbob Posts: 406

    nicstt said:

    I only use SSDs for general use; I do, however, back up to mechanical.


    Same here, NVME for programs, MX500s for storage and WD Black spinning rust for backups.

  • 不要购买太多产品,那会将一切搞砸。也许你不需要 大硬盘来存储那么多daz的素材。安装太多东西的后果是程序变得非常卡顿,即使我已经专门升级了m.2硬盘/3090显卡/7960x的cpu。甚至还会偶尔出现无响应不得不关闭程序让几个小时的努力白费。

  • 472382009 said:

    不要购买太多产品,那会将一切搞砸。也许你不需要 大硬盘来存储那么多daz的素材。安装太多东西的后果是程序变得非常卡顿,即使我已经专门升级了m.2硬盘/3090显卡/7960x的cpu。甚至还会偶尔出现无响应不得不关闭程序让几个小时的努力白费。

    Perhaps more practically, be careful about isntaling a lot of content you are not going to need - you can always have two (or more) directory sets with a project set containing only the items you expect to need.

  • RL_MediaRL_Media Posts: 339

    I just use regualr old hard drives for my content. I did some tests between NVME vs hard drive, and found there was no real difference from loading content times. Figure the extra NVME I have is better suited to install programs and any games or whatever on, rather than content. Not sure why games get a load boost, but not DS conent. I figure it's bottlenecked by my CPU beast rather than read speeds.

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