Facegen - Can someone clarify dumbproof to me what "Create face shape from 3D scan mesh" means?

Facegen description says "Create face shape from 3D scan mesh". Is this the scan mesh which is created after scanning a photo?

If it's something else can someome quite dumproof explain me what exactly this means please?


  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,320

    Facegen tech support would clear it up & are responsive. Sounds more like it will, give a 3D mesh in supported format from a 3rd party program, eg OBJ mesh, create a FaceGen 3D mesh out of it.

  • With very expensive equipment, people can be scanned and a 3D mesh can be made of their entire body, or just a head bust.  Also some 3D Artists make 3D busts of heads using various programs. So if from some source one purchases such a 3D head mesh, one can use it in Facegen to generate morphs for the Genesis clans :-)


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