Problem with "Genesis 8 UV Swap: Male and Female Base"


I've been trying to put Xara's skin on a male character using the "Genesis 8 UV Swap: Male and Female Base'". But the thing is it's not even working.. ^^' It just makes half of my character's head disappear and then refuses to apply the Xara's skin.. Is this thing a scam or what?.. 

Capture d’écran (9).png
1920 x 1080 - 1M
Capture d’écran (10).png
1920 x 1080 - 1M


  • zombietaggerungzombietaggerung Posts: 3,760
    edited August 2022

    That's because Xara is an 8.1 character. The UVs between 8 and 8.1 are different therefore you would have to use the UV swap for 8.1 not 8. 

    Post edited by zombietaggerung on
  • The error message is because you are trying to apply a hierarchical preset to the wrong figure - Genesis 8 presets work on Genesis 8.1 but not vice versa. If the character uses the Genesis 8 UVs you could apply it to 8.1, save a regular Materials preset, and apply that  to the 8 figure. If you use a Genesis 8 material set does that work with the swap?

  • OMG thank you guys. I feel so stupid now XD have a nice day!

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