Help with Collision in DS2.3

MJ007MJ007 Posts: 1,700

Hello all,

First, yes i use a very old version of DS.  No, im not changing nor wish to update to a newer version.
Now, with that outta the way, I have a new issue that has popped up.

Lets say i have a plane and a figure standing on top of the plane.  When i select the figure a white box emcompasses the figure.

Before:  If i moved the figure to the point where it collided with something, that portion of the box would disappear.
Now:  If i move the figure and no matter what it collides into, the box remains in tact.  What did i do and can i turn whatever i did back off?

That box was a good method in my workflow of determing when i was touching something else and would really like that "feature" back.



  • DollyGirlDollyGirl Posts: 2,656

    MJ have you checked your interface tab in Preferences. My default for Manipulation Draw Style is Off. So I have no box but when I set it to Smooth-Shaded Box and select anything in the scene and start moving it things go to the white box format and I can see the interesections. Also have you checked your port view tab to see what view has been selected? It is the little box just to the right of type of camera you are using. There is a drop down box. Normally that is set to Texture Shaded but there is a Solid Bounding Box option there that puts the whole scene to boxes and stays in the mode until you select a different scene view mode.

  • MJ007MJ007 Posts: 1,700

    Apparently, the issue seems to be with using a plane for a floor vs an actual prop.  When i use a prop floor, it works as expcted, but when i used a plane, it behaved differently.  
    Very Odd.  Im sure someone smarter than me prolly understands this oddity.  Anyway, used a prop flooring and all works as expected.


  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,816

    You might need to use a plane with more divisions

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