Can I reset a Lip Sync?

Hey guys,

A few years ago I Lip Synced a character to a sound file. It was in 32-bit 4.(Version Something). It worked very well. I imported a .wav file and it sinced the mouth moving with it. Is there a way to reset the mouth moving to a new sound file?


2140 x 1538 - 979K


  • ImagoImago Posts: 5,274

    pectabyte said:

    Hey guys,

    A few years ago I Lip Synced a character to a sound file. It was in 32-bit 4.(Version Something). It worked very well. I imported a .wav file and it sinced the mouth moving with it. Is there a way to reset the mouth moving to a new sound file?


    In the timeline select the head and expand the tree untile you reach the "visemes" tag, delete those keyframes to have a clean lipsynch.  Be sure to activate the "H" in the Types dropdown menu.

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