GMax drives me nuts
does ANYONE use GMax by Discreet (free from Turbosquid) or am I the only masochist here?
I have not one but 2 Max scripts for obj export and neither work!
finally got a vehicle from my GTA San Andreas game into the thing using GTA tools by Kam
can only export to plasma p3d file and what on earth can you open THAT in?
boy is that old - p3d is only Gmax only - thats why no one uses it
GMax was designed for game moders. It's designed to use different plugins to allow you to use the game's formats; $ and each game had a plugin. It flopped because of,.... well I can't say, but a lot of people already had 3dsmax. I'm sure it has been out of development for quite some time.
yeah, long out of development being the issue for finding out on the web via Google how to do stuff
they have a forum but it tends towards game modding, not exporting models for rendering in art programs!
sorry to disturb you
but you can use all maxscript for max4 and use one rendersuite for gmax
sorry for my english
ok on Boneyard tutorials I found a Max script for obj export that did not bring up an error
I ran it and then listener, copied the text into notepad and saved it as an obj file
got mesh out
very questionable looking, what the GTA tools brought it was obviously very questionable, it looked like a aeroplane but was really just a few primitives
game meshes obviously make lowpoly look complex!
I still cannot figure out how to import a whole set from a game map, though the GTA tools finds them all in my game.
a friend on the Reallusion forum helped with getting GTA San Andreas models at least, using 3D Ripper DX which captures obj from frames of directX applications